Knowing Thief.

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Based of - 2x03
Words - 3284
Warnings - Guns, violence, mentions of torture, Finn going crazy.

Based of - 2x03Words - 3284Warnings - Guns, violence, mentions of torture, Finn going crazy

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The group had a joint decision that these were the ones that had taken your people. The fact they held things that belonged to Clarke, were known to torture people. Everything pointed towards this Camp. Bellamy and Finn had began to plot away around this, how they find their people. You, however, you had plans of your own.

While they kept watch of where the Grounders moved and walked, your eyes were clued onto the man who still held your necklace. You thought Indra would have been kind enough to keep him away from it, maybe tell him that you weren't as bad as she made you out to be. Then again, the woman had bigger problems than what her warriors stole and what they didn't.

Everyone's eyes turned to you when you got up from the ground without a warning. Murphy's hand went straight to try and drag you back down again. However, this time, you shrugged his touch off from you. "Y/n." Finn hushed to try and warn as to what you were doing. "Get down." He ordered, yet again not doing much to stop you.

The groups eyes only widen as your hand went to take the sword out from your back. You hadn't given them another glance before making your way around the camp, going unnoticed. Murphy was about to get up from the ground and follow you until Bellamy's hand pushed him back down.

Murphy fell annoyed at Bellamy's actions, not wanting you to go alone. "Let her go. Y/n can handle herself." He reminds the brunette. Though, his words had done nothing to comfort Murphy.

He slapped Bellamy's hand away from him. "She's going to get herself killed." He hissed, ready to get back up again. He didn't get far ; Bellamy pulled him back down by this jacket. He knew you wouldn't do this if you weren't sure whether you'd make it out alive or not. You weren't stupid.

"And you'll get yourself killed too." Bellamy pauses, turning back to Finn and their plan. "You're with me. You two stay here, make sure Y/n is safe." He orders as him and Finn began to move into place. "This thing goes south, take out the other Grounders but don't shoot the grounder with the watch." They all follow him, doing as he said.

Monroe and Sterling kept a watchful eyes on you as you made your way through the camp. The man had been left alone as he wondered his way through his camp. He seemed fine as if the necklace that laid around his waist didn't mean everything to you. When he was close enough, you turn your back to a tree, awaiting him to walk passed you.

The grounder, unaware of your presents, kept walking. He hadn't realised he had walked right where you needed him to be. Once he was in front of you, you came behind him, placing your sword around his neck. "You talk and I swear to god, I'll slit your throat." You threaten, taking a page out of Murphy's book.

The man listens to you as he wanted to keep his life. He was able to catch your voice straight away, knowing the girl it belonged to. He assumed you were still locked away in Indra's village, awaiting your death. But, somehow, you were now holding a blade to his neck. Maybe for revenge, or for questions. Either way, he did as you said and shut up.

𝑭𝒍𝒐𝒘𝒆𝒓𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑭𝒓𝒆𝒄𝒌𝒍𝒆𝒔 // 𝑱𝒐𝒉𝒏 𝑴𝒖𝒓𝒑𝒉𝒚.Where stories live. Discover now