Personality Change.

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Based of - 1x03
Words - 1443
Warnings - knives, implication of sex.

Murphy stood with Bellamy as his knife yet again fell to the ground

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Murphy stood with Bellamy as his knife yet again fell to the ground. His failure had made a small chuckle leave the other boys lips. He hadn't been able to focus lately. The only thing running in his head being how he wasn't good enough for anybody. Not to mention, Jasper wasn't helping his head become clear.

Even with them stood away from the drop ship, they hadn't spotted your wondering eyes. You were sat by the same rock as your back leaned across a tree. You never meant to be watching them. You were actually suppose to be sharping another knife. Though, you had gotten distracted when the boys began to practice their throwing skills. Or, lack of.

"It's that damn kid, alright? He's messing with my head." Murphy excuses before reluctantly going back to pick up his fallen knife.

"He's not gonna last much longer." He would do. Jasper was stronger than what Bellamy made him out to be. Or, maybe, you were just saying that for yourself like you were trying to convince yourself. "Better think of a new excuse." Unlike Murphy, when Bellamy throws the weapon in his hand, it lands straight into the tree.

Huffing, you force your eyes back down to the objective at hand. You had been trying to make this knife for when Jasper wakes up. Maybe then he'd have something to protect himself with. Because he would wake up. Clarke would figure out how to save him, she had to.

"We searched a half-mile in all directions. No sign of Trina or Pascal." Atom began as he joined the other two boys. You recall the two teens Atom was referring to, they were a couple who must've been missing for a few days now. You doubted they'd ever come back. The grounders had probably already gotten to them.

Even with the bigger matter at hand, Murphy still goes to ask, "Visit your special tree when you were out there?" You knew what he was teasing about after having heard it come from Octavia. However, everyone knew there were bigger things to cause a fuss about other that who chooses to kiss who.

"Atom took his punishment. Let it go." You almost stood up to make some comment about how Murphy couldn't let things go. But you didn't, knowing that would revel that you had been listening.

"Could be grounders." Atom suggests like you had thought.

Murphy comes back from behind him, "Yeah, or they could be in pound town. Lot of that going around recently." You hadn't been the only one to notice Murphy's sudden sour mood. Bellamy had taken notice. Though, he didn't care enough to ask. He had just put it down to Murphy being Murphy.

You watch as Atom scoffs at John's words. "Not for you." His eyes then trailing over to where you sat, still looking at them all. Guess you hadn't been as hidden as you thought you had. Murphy was confused at first before having followed Atom's gaze over to where you sat. The fact about you having rejected the other boy had spread like wild fire. He hated it. He wanted to prove them wrong.

However, for the moment, he turned back to Atom as he held a smirk. It hadn't taken him long to loose his temper and push Atom back. "Murphy!" Bellamy snaps as him and another boy break the two apart.

The smirk never left Murphy's lips. You, however, left your spot where you had been standing. It seemed this change in Murphy had become like a virus. He was getting worse with every comment and every movement. He had changed.

Even with you gone, Atom continues to speak with Bellamy. "That dying kid, he's not helping the morale around here." He states as he gestures to Jasper.

"Morale will go up when I find them more food." Bellamy plans. He didn't know how they were going to find more food. The supplies at Mount Weather were obviously out of the question. So, what? Were they suppose to wait until another animal tries to attack them?

"And what do we say when they ask about Trina and Pascal?" Another boy asks.

"For now? Nothing." Idiots, you thought as you came back around to them. Instead of watching them from afar, you had moved, now watching from behind them. "It's possible they're just lost." Lost? They had been gone for days. They would hold hope for them but not Jasper? "We'll keep an eyes out for them when we go hunting later."

That seemed to spark something in Murphy as he says, "Let's go kill something."

Though, he was stopped as Bellamy's hand pushes his chest. "You're not going." He orders. Your brows narrow, Murphy was basically Bellamy's second. To you, it made no sense. "I need you to stay here."

Murphy seemed to be as confused as you were. However, this confusion was also laced with aggression. He scoffs, "You have a reason for me to?" He didn't expect Bellamy would give him and answer, but he did.

"Yes. You were ready to hurt Atom. I can't have that out there" Bellamy goes on to explain as he points over past the Drop Ship, "Stay here."

The straight line that laid across Murphy's lips soon chanced into a forceful smile. "Fine, but somebody better tell goggle boy to keep it shut." Bellamy only nods, just happy that Murphy hadn't gone for him like he had Atom.

He leaves, leading the rest of the group away with him. Murphy, now standing alone, tries yet again to throw his knife. As you could've predicted, it fell. He huffs at his failure yet again. He could blame it on Jasper all he wanted, everyone knew the real reason.

You finally decide to let yourself be known as you bush through a few trees. "You know Jasper is still a human being." You start, making the boys head turn up to you. His eyes widen as he wished he had looked around before embarrassing himself with his throwing skills. Well, lack of skills. "You can't just let him die when you've gotten tired off him trying to actual live."

He wasn't listening to your words. He knew he should've, but he didn't. The boy only shook his head at you. "You know, i'm really starting to regret saving your life." He sneers as he refers back to when you had almost fallen in a hole of spears.

"What about Jasper?" You question. If everyone was just going to start letting people die, no one was going to come out of this alive.

"You can't say his constant moaning isn't driving you insane." You'd agree that it wasn't the most comfortable of things, but you weren't going to kill him for it.

When Murphy had spoken to you while finding Jasper, he had let himself be open. He had put walls up with snarky comments and angry glares. He had been soft and he listened to you. After that night, he had put his walls back up for you. "If it was you in the Dropship, no one would try to kill you. You kill Jasper, and your just as bad as the Ark." You practically spit at him before walking away.

Murphy wouldn't let his eyes leave you until you were out of sight. Your words had stung a pain within his chest. After the things you had talked about while finding Jasper, it had been more painful. To be compared to the same people that killed his father, he couldn't help but regret his words.

You weren't angry, more just irritated. Murphy wouldn't have the guts to kill Jasper. Well, that's what you had thought. But either way, you made sure to check back up on the hurt boy. Monty was sat in the corner as he messed with some wires. Jasper still laid in the same position as usual, letting out a small moan every now and again.

"How's he doing?" You ask when Monty doesn't turn to you.

"No different. Clarke went to find him some medicine." He informs you. Medicine? How were they suppose to find medicine? Clarke's mother was a doctor, she probably knew more about it than you.

Instead of asking more questions, you wonder over to where Jasper was. He was pale and almost freezing. He was lucky you had found as many blankets as you did. He couldn't die. Jasper would be able to get through it, right? If he didn't, did that mean you were all have the same fate as him?

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