Walking to Your Death.

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Based of - 2x10
Words - 1831
Warnings - none.

Based of - 2x10Words - 1831Warnings - none

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You didn't know whether you had a choice. Either leave with Jaha and his crazy obsession with the City of Light, or stay here where the only family member you had left was wanting to kill you. Then again, were you really considering going with Jaha of all people? He floated both your Grandpa and dad. You weren't in any rush to be spending quality time with the man.

As much as you hated to admit it, the man was smart. He left you with hardly any choices. Even with the new title Lexa had given you, everyone in the Ark hated you. Raven, Bellamy, Clarke. After what happened at Tondc, they couldn't trust you. They couldn't even look at you the same way. You were Raven's best friend and you almost let her die. They didn't want to know what would've happened if Clarke didn't figure it out before hand.

So, realising your little to no options, you did what you needed to do before going to meet Jaha at the Dropship. Not that there was much you needed to do, or many people you had to say goodbye to. At least, not anymore.

Indra was the only one you found yourself needing to tell about your departure. She'd be able to tell Lexa about where you had gone and why. The woman was stood by her warriors as she ordered them over and over until they got their movements right. "Indra," You call as you stand by her side. "I'm leaving." You tell her.

At first, she thought you had been given other orders from the commander, telling you to go to Tondc now. But, as she listened closely, your tone said otherwise. "Why? What's change?" My mother tried to kill me, you think for a moment. Definitely not something you were proud enough to tell Indra about.

"I can't stay here Indra, my own people hate me." You explain to her, your hand waving back over to where Sky People were training.

Indra's assumption had been wrong. You weren't leaving under the Commanders orders, you were leaving on your own demand. "And your other people look up to you." She adds as she gestures to the grounders.

Sighing, you push back your thoughts of what they may think, what Lexa may think when she hears about you leaving. "This have changed, Indra." You speak. She knew something had happened when Jaha asked for her help when you had been thrown into Lockup. Though, she was never going to bring herself to ask a Sky Person a question. She would ask you why. But, right now, she realised it was something bigger than her. "I'm sorry. I should be back soon. Maybe soon enough for the battle against Mount Weather." You pause as your voice lowers before speaking up again. "Tell Lexa i'm sorry as well."

Indra nods. She would do. And she wouldn't ask anymore questions. If you said you had no other choice, than that would be the truth. Indra trusted you. And she would trust your decisions.

With one last glance, you leave Indra to continue training. And for a moment you realise this many be your last glance at the camp. Or at least it would be for awhile. You honestly weren't sure as to how long Jaha was going to search for this sacred City of Light but you did know he would drag his dream out for as long as possible.

𝑭𝒍𝒐𝒘𝒆𝒓𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑭𝒓𝒆𝒄𝒌𝒍𝒆𝒔 // 𝑱𝒐𝒉𝒏 𝑴𝒖𝒓𝒑𝒉𝒚.Where stories live. Discover now