Chapter 33

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Today I was hanging out with my best friend, Kailey. I know she came and visited me when Adam was off on tour but I just wanted a day with just me and her, two best friends hanging out together.

We went to the mall first. We decided to go to rue21. I just loved that store when I lived in New York and I couldn't believe that they had one here. It was big when we stepped inside with tons of clothes everywhere. It felt like I was in clothes heaven. Me and Kailey walked inside and tried on all the clothes that we loved the best. It felt like we stayed in there for like an hour or 2.

After we were done shopping for like an hour or more, we left to go have some lunch because shopping for yourself and Adam can be a little tiring and somehow, I always get hungry after I am done shopping.

We got to this little café that made the best food and coffee. I wanted Kailey to try their food since they make the best. Adam took me here on our first date and I would never forget the day I couldn't pronounce the name right and Adam would try to help me and no matter how I tried, I still couldn't get it right and Adam would just laugh and would make me feel better when I gave up and whenever he would laugh it would always make my heart melt.

The waitress came to our table and we ordered our food and drinks. Me and her had a pretty fun time just me and my best friend. Our food came and we ate.

"How do you like the food?" I took a sip of my mocha.

"It is delicious! Now I know, when I come and visit you and I am feeling hungry, I will come here." Kailey said as she took a sip of her frappuccino.

We both smiled at each other enjoying our drinks.

After we were done with our lunch, we paid the waitress and left out the door. All of a sudden, we were surrounded by paparazzi, flashing their cameras in our faces and asking me these weird questions.

"ROSALYN... Rosalyn Hemsworth! Did you know that Adam Levine cheated on you?" One paparazzi guy said while pushing the microphone in my face.

"What?" I couldn't hear that well because of the f*cking paparazzi flashing pics and screaming that felt like my ears were about to burst.

"Rosalyn, how did you feel about your boyfriend, Adam Levine, kissing another girl."

"Rosalyn Hemsworth! Did you know that your boyfriend was kissing another girl while you two are getting married?" Another paparazzi person said. This time I finally heard what they said and didn't believe them. I wanted to find out by Adam. I know Adam would never do this to me, he loves me and I love him. I won't believe what they say. Tears started flowing down my eyes and more paparazzi came pushing towards me, asking more questions.

"HEY! Step the Hell Away from my best friend! LEAVE NOW!" Kailey yelled and the paparazzi left. Kailey walked me over to the car and we drove to Adam's house. She stopped in front of the house and gave me a hug.

"Rosy do you believe what the paparazzi said to you, about Adam?"

"No, I don't believe what they say, that is a lie! Adam would never cheat on me with another girl. He even told me himself that he would never leave me not even for another woman. I love him Kailey, more than anything and I can't wait until we are married. I will just erase and forget whatever the paparazzi said to me out of my memory." I said as one tear drop feel down my cheek.

"Okay Rosy, I just wanted my girl to be okay. I love you girl!" Kailey gave me a hug.

"I love Ya too girly!" I said into the hug.

Kailey left to her hotel and I stepped inside the house and closed the door behind me. I was suddenly greeted by Adam as he wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my lips passionately.

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