Chapter 47

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These past weeks have been so bad on me. The hormones and cramps take a terrible toll on me. I have been vomiting frequently and I have been having the weirdest food cravings. Thank You for all these gifts Gracie.

I sat down on the bed and rested my head on the pillow. I took deep breaths, in and out. Everything has been so stressful on me. I know being stressed and not relax can harm the baby and I am trying to be more relaxed and calm but it is just too hard.

I walked to the bathroom and shut the door behind me. Adam was playing with Rosie in the living room. Today was a relaxing day for me but after I'm done, I have to go to The Voice with Adam. He wanted me to come and how can I say no to that handsome hunk of a man.

I turned on the warm water. Today was a bath day, no shower just bath. The tub was finally full. I stripped out of my clothes and into the nice warm bubbly bath. Yeah, I put bubbles in it. I put one foot after the other. I stepped down and soaked in the water. I leaned my head back and closed my eyes.

All of a sudden, the door opens and in walks Adam.

"Hello sweetie." He smiled. He started stripping out of his boxers and t- shirt.

"Hello babe." Adam stepped into the bathtub. I watched as he tried to sit down. He placed his legs on either side of my hips. He scooted closer to me. I picked up some bubbles and blew it at his face.

"Oh, so you want to have a bubble war do we?" I shook my head no and giggled.

"Accepted!" Adam picked up bubbles and blew them at me. The war had begun.

After the bubble war was over, there were barely an bubbles left in my bubble bath. All you could see now was our bare naked bodies under the clear water.

I stepped out of the tub and into my rob leaving Adam still naked in the tub. I went to mine and Adam's closest. I pulled out a long turquoise shirt, a pair of dark blue jeans and a matching bra and panties. I put on my bra and underwear on first. Next, slid on my pants and lastly my shirt. Adam walked out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist.

"What took you so long?" I smiled at him. He returned with a glare. I just laughed.


I sat in Adam's chair while he returned from the bathroom. He has a short bladder, I swear. I talked to Christina and Blake. Me and Pharrell didn't exchange any eye contact or words. I don't know what's wrong? Maybe it was the whole deal that Pharrell kissed me and later, told me that he loved me. I told him if we can just be friends and he took it fine...didn't he? I have to talk to him, to make sure everything is all right between us. Maybe after the show.

Adam finally came back from the bathroom. Carson let me be one of the judges for a day. I came up with a plan where I can help the newbies pick which coach to have. This plan will probably work successfully or probably fail. Well, we'll just have to wait and see.

~author's note~

Sorry if this chapter was short the next one will be a little longer and better. Sorry I haven't updated for while as well. It has been a tiring week. I have to do this hard research paper and I hate it so much! Bleck!

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