Chapter 3

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~{Rosalyn's .P.O.V.}~

I didn't remember anything that happened last night. I opened my eyes and had a major headache. I turned and saw two Tylenol and a glass of water lying down on the bed stand next to me. I took the Tylenol and gulped down my water. I opened my eyes again to get them adjusted and I was in a room that I've never seen before. It wasn't even my room. OH MY GOSH! Did I just have sex with some weird person that I don't know?

I pulled off the blankets and saw that all my clothes were still on. I got up and walked out of the room. I heard the TV on in one of the rooms. The house was really nice and big. Maybe some famous person lives here or some weirdo that captured me and stole it. I peaked over the corner and saw someone sitting on the couch. I took the newspaper from the table and walked over to the couch. I tip-toed behind them and whacked them with the newspaper.

"OUCH! WHAT THE HELL! ROSALYN STOP HITTING ME!" I opened my eyes and saw Adam holding his head in "pain."

"That didn't hurt that bad, I didn't even hit you that hard but I am sorry because I didn't know where I was at and I was in somebody's room and I didn't know that was you. I barely remember what happened last night. What happened Adam?" I sat down on the couch.

"Well, you were locked out of your house and I didn't want you to be by yourself, waiting for your mom so I took you to a bar so we can hangout and get to know each other. I ordered you a beer and you drank it and you ordered another and another until you were drunk." He started laughing and I was confused.

"Dam it! I am so stupid! I should have never drank that beer. Did I say anything weird while I was drunk?" Adam started laughing some more.

"You are kinda funny when you are drunk. You forgot who I was and called me gorgeous. You asked me to dance with you because you wanted to see my sexy ass dancing on you. Then I dragged you out of the bar and put you in my car. You asked where I was taking you and you said if I was your prisoner and if I was going to do naughty things to you because you were a bad girl and that you deserved it. While I was driving, you nibbled my ear and started sucking on my neck. After I told you to sit back down, you puked and I didn't want to take you home like that so I took you to my house.


"You don't have to leave. I like it when people say that I am gorgeous and I have A pretty smokin hot sexy ass." He started laughing and I punched his arm.

"Well I should be going because I need to pick out an outfit for my duel and I need to get home before my mom worries."

"Okay, I will take you home." Adam grabbed his keys and we both walked out the door and into his car and we drove to my house.

I was waiting for my turn for the duel. I was against one of my friends that I have met during the first day that I came here. He is really nice and especially really cute. His name is Chris and he has an amazing voice. We both walked on stage. Adam looked at me and smiled. I looked at him and smiled and I kinda blushed.


Chris won the duel. I gave Chris a hug and he gave me one too and he told me that I did really good. I loss and Gwen Stefani stole me from Adam since I lost and Chris was on Adam's team also. I looked at Adam and he seemed mad at Gwen for stealing me. I looked confused. Why would he get mad at Gwen for stealing me, he has Chris who is really good and Gwen has me.

I went backstage and saw Chris. I gave him a hug and told him that he was amazing. We both talked to each other until the show was over. Adam came backstage and saw me and Chris talking to each other. Adam came over to me, interrupting mine and Chris' conversation. Adam started talking to Chris and I just stood there listening to them talk. After Chris and Adam were done talking which seemed like forever, Chris gave me a long hug and left. I looked at Adam and he seemed upset.

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