Chapter 21

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I looked down onto the crowd. All of a sudden, I saw the same person that I never wanted to see ever again in my entire life. I waved goodbye to the crowd. Adam gave me a kiss and walked on stage.

After the concert was over, I walked out of my dressing room and I ran to Adam and hugged him. I kissed his lips with so much passion. I pulled apart and continued to hug him. Suddenly, the boy I saw came up to us.

"JACK!" Adam said and walked up to him and gave him a hug. They are probably really good friends and not to mention, Jack was on the voice as well when me and him were dating but that was a long time ago. I never wanted to see this guy again after he abused, lied, and cheated on me. I fell for this sweet loving guy that I fell head over heels for. He was kind, sweet, loving just like a boyfriend should be to their girlfriend but he was the opposite. He would act all kind to me and then, he turns his back on you. One day I caught him cheating on me 2 times and I was upset and I chose to go back home but Jack told me he was sorry and he never liked that girl and he said he never know what got over him. I would feel bad for him and get drawn back with him and this ended as the same stuff over again and again. He would rape me when he was drunk and he would abuse me. I had enough of this and I broke up with him and he threatened me with a knife to never leave him but when he was sleeping, I sneaked out the window and left him. I promised myself that I would never see him but now it has come.

"Babe, this is Jack Brown!" I looked at Jack.

"Rosalyn, Rosalyn Hemsworth is that you? It's me Jack, Jack Brown, you probably still remember me don't you?" Jack asked as he came up to me and Adam.

"Yes! Yes I still remember you! You no good bastard!"

"What was that for Rosalyn? We are still friends aren't we?" Jack said with a smirk.

"Leave me alone! Leave me the Hell alone! I never want to see you again, you here me! You know what you did to me and I never coming back to you again! YOU NO GOOD BASTARD! Go to Hell as if I care because I don't! LEAVE!" I yelled and I ran off into my dressing room. I cried. Adam walked in and wrapped his arms around me in a hug and stroked my back to calm me down.

"Rosalyn are you okay? How do you know Jack? Please Tell Me!" Adam asked. I looked up with tears in my eyes.

"Before I came to Los Angeles, I used to live in New York City with my mom and dad before their divorce when we were one big happy family. At a family dinner, my dad introduced me to this nice guy whose family was really good friends with my family. I got the chance to know him and we got to know more and more about each as the days went on. We have been seeing each other every day. I fell in love with him and I thought we would be together forever but I was wrong. When things became more and more serious, he had his own home and he asked me to move in with him and I did. Things were going good but then, he gets a job and he has been going to bars and getting drunk every night. I try to help him but he pushes me away and when I try he abuses me. One day, he would be all kind and sweet to me and then the next, he lies and cheats on you. When he was intoxicated with alcohol, he abused me and tried to rape me. I had enough of this and I told him that we were breaking up and he didn't like that and took a knife and threatened me to come back with to him and stay forever but I told him I would never stay with him but he didn't like that and abused me again. When he was sleeping, I packed my things and moved back to my dad and when he abuse me, I moved with my mom in Los Angles."

"Rosalyn I am sorry." He stroked my hair and it seemed to calm me down just a little bit.

"He is just like my dad! Both want me to stay with them forever and nobody else's. They hurt the people I am most close and dear to me just to keep me. I HATE THEM!" I yelled with frustration.

"It's okay Babe, I promise! When I see Jack again, he will be in the hospital when I am done with him. Nobody hurts my girl!" He got up and walked around.

"I will be right back Rosalyn. I am going to help the guys pack their instruments and I will come back and we can go home and be together in that nice warm bed in our birthday suits." Adam moved his eyebrows up and down and it made me giggle. He walked over and pecked my lips and walked out the door.

After waiting a minute for Adam, just then, someone knocked on the door. I thought it was Adam and I told them to come in and I see that bastard that I never wanted to see again.

"Thanks for letting me in Rosy!" Jack said with a smirk as he walked in and closed the door behind him.

"Leave Jack! I don't want you in here! Now Leave!" I yelled. I walked over to the door and opened it for him to tell him to get out but he didn't go. He walked over to me and closed the door. He grabbed me and slammed me against the wall.

"WHAT THE H*LL ARE YOU DOING JACK, PLEASE LEAVE NOW! ADAM!" I yelled through the top of my lungs.

"Your precious boyfriend can't help you Rosy! I have you now and you will be with me forever! NOW, let me touch you. I miss touching your body." He slid his hands down to my waist to my skirt. I pushed and kicked around, trying to escape him but he was too strong.

"Stop moving you b*tch!" He slapped me and I stopped moving. He kissed my lips. He kissed my neck but I tried not to moan. He slid his hands up to my shirt and when he was about to unbutton it, I screamed Adam's name and yelled and kicked some more. Jack slapped me and all of a sudden, Adam ran through the door and punched Jack in the face.

Adam's .P.O.V.

I helped the boys put our instruments away and into the cars. After we were done, I heard someone screaming my name. It must of been Rosalyn. I ran to her dressing room and I saw Jack strangling her against the wall, kissing her. I grabbed him and slammed him against the floor, punching him.

"Leave my girl alone. Don't you dare hurt her again! LEAVE YOU NO GOOD BASTARD! NOW!" Jack ran out of the dressing room. I walked over to Rosalyn and picked her up bridal style to the car. We drove to the house and I set her in the bedroom.

"Are you okay Rosalyn?" I kissed her forehead and wrapped my arms around her as we laid in the bed together.

"I am alright Adam, Thank You!" She turned around and wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me.

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