Chapter 42

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I was so bored like super bored! Today was Valentine's Day and Adam left me on the most romantic day ever! There was nothing to do and I was alone but at least I had Rosy with me who kept me company while Adam was off with the guys, rehearsing for their next tour which was coming up in March and Adam is bringing me along! Madi is off with her new boyfriend, which is Jimmy Fallon and I am so happy for those two!

Rosy sat on the couch with me watching the series of Saturday Night Live. I finally saw the last show where Blake was hosting and how was it hilarious. After the show was over, I played with Rosy for a little bit, fed her, and she took a sleep on her comfy doggy bed. I looked at the clock and I had enough time to kill before Adam got back.

I went to the bedroom, stripped out of my clothes and walked to the bathroom. I stepped into the shower. I turned on the water, grabbed the shampoo and washed my hair.

One of Adam's songs was stuck in my head and it was my favorite. He sang it to me while we were in bed together (naked) eating candy. It easily got stuck into my head so I sang the lyrics out loud while I was washing my body.

Hanging 'round downtown by myself
And I had so much time to sit and think about myself
And then there she was like double cherry pie
Yeah, there she was like disco Super Fly

I smell sex and candy here
Who's that loungin' in my chair?
Who's that castin' devious stares in my direction?
Mama, this surely is a dream, yeah
See, mama, this surely is a dream, yeah

I heard the door open. I peaked out the shower curtains and saw Adam getting undressed. I couldn't keep my wondering eyes off him, watching him strip down clothes from every inch of his body and man was it sexy. I turned away and continued to wash my stomach. Out of the corner of my eye the curtain opens and in walks Adam's naked body and oh my gosh I had no words.

"Hello beautiful! Do you mind if I join you in the shower?" He had his eyes moving up and down my naked body. Trying to capture the moment as best as he could. I rolled my eyes and continued to wash my whole body teasing Adam a little as he was biting his lip.

"I want some sex and candy to, probably right now!" Adam grabbed my hands and moved them to his neck and pulled me closer to him so our bare bodies were touching each other. He kissed my neck first, sucking on it with force. I moaned grabbing onto his wet hair. He stopped and looked below. He gave me a smirk and kissed down to my shoulder and further below. I moaned ever second, wanting more. All of a sudden, I lost my footing, slipped and took Adam down with me. We looked at each other and started laughing. I got up, grabbed my rob and tied it,covering up my body. Adam got up and put on his boxers. I stepped out of the bathroom and Adam followed behind me with his arms wrapped around my body. He grabbed the end of my rob and untied it showing my naked wet body. I watched as his eyes wondered around my naked body like it was candy. I covered up.

"Hey beautiful, do you want to reenact misery(the music video)." Adam grabbed my shoulders and started nibbling on my neck. A moan escaped my mouth. "You can be the sexy girlfriend who tries to kill me but." He snuck his hands in my robe. Feeling every inch, making me shiver inside from his touch.

"But I never want to kill my Adamlypoo ." I curled in my lips to act all cute and he just laughed. I nodded my head and agreed.

I dressed in my white tank top that was revealing half of my stomach. A jean jacket that was covering my upper body, short and I mean short shorts and my black high heel boots. I looked pretty damn sexy when I looked in the mirror. I stepped out of the bathroom, Adam dressed in his white T shirt with his black skinny jeans and this super sexy leather jacket with his hair slicked back. It felt like I was drooling right now.

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