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⎾ N'ᴀᴄᴇ Nᴀʀɪ Mᴏᴏʀᴇ
Aᴛʟᴀɴᴛᴀ-Cᴏᴜʀᴛʜᴏᴜsᴇ .
𝟿:𝟻𝟽 𝙰.𝙼 ⏌


Genisis sat at the table with his lawyers conversing on his release from prison. Directly behind him sat N'Ace , observing every movement from the others in the courtroom.

Nothing could compare to the feeling of guilt and shame , of course she wanted one in the future . The shame came from whom she was having the it with .

She loved Genisis with every bone in her body . Not knowing what he was in jail for would take a big toll on their relationship.

They had never kept secrets from eachother , she figured if he had kept the secret for so long , then it would have been a very bad reason.

He knew once she found out she wouldn't want to be around him , he could read her like a book . Genisis grew a love for N'Ace , a love that even his mother couldn't touch .

As he sat there before the bench , he felt overwelmed , aside from the fact that N'Ace would have left him alone . In his mind , he just wanted to give her one last hug , or so he thought .

Watching as the judge walked inside of the room . The baillif called out "All rise"

Everyone stood "The Court is now in session, the Honorable Judge Bailey presiding."

Judge Bailey took her seat on the bench and picked up her manilla folder shuffing them in her hands . "Everyone but the jury may be seated. Ms.Kitchens , please swear in the jury." She spoke from her seat .

The woman sitting and the plaintiff's table stood and raised her hand waiting for the bailiff. "Please raise your right hand. Do you solemnly swear or affirm that you will truly listen to this case and render a true verdict and a fair sentence as to this defendant?"

The jury answered "I do" . And the trial was begun. N'Ace had not been in a courtroom in years , everything that was going on around her at the moment was foreign.

She didn't get the just of things they were talking about so she completely tuned everything out , after all the only thing that mattered was to find out if he was going to be found guilty or not .

Court continued on and N'Ace just looked around pretending to listen until ....

"Members of the jury, your duty today will be to determine whether the defendant is guilty or not guilty based only on facts and evidence provided in this case. However, if you are not satisfied of the defendant's guilt to that extent, then reasonable doubt exists and the defendant must be found not guilty. Mr. Jackson , what is today's case?"

" Your Honor, today's case is The State of Georgia versus Genisis Kitechen" The Baileff called out and she nodded

"Is the prosecution ready?" Judge asked and the . prosecuting attorney stood "Yes your Honor" He replied before taking his seat .

She then looked at Genisis's lawyer "Is the defense ready?"

He stood "Yes your honor" Then took his seat .

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