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⎾Jᴀᴍᴀɪᴄᴀ 'Jᴀᴍɪᴇ' Cʏʀᴜs
𝚂𝚞𝚗𝚍𝚊𝚢 ⏌

"Oh so you think you grown, huh?"

"I never said that" I turned around mugging my mom unpacking my bags .

"I mean you running 'round with that grown ass man like it's nothing , I should report him to the police. " She crossed her arms.

"I never seen a mother have so much built up animosity towards their own child" I mumbled.

I heard footsteps and my room door opened a little wider "Hey sis"

"Hey Tyler" I smiled at my brother.

"You staying?"


"No" My ma cut me off and I looked at her like she was crazy "You wanna be grown? Go ahead and stay with that man see how he treats you , when you get pregnant I'm not helping you raise no kids so you better off leaving now. " She waved me off

"He's only 8 years older ma-"

"I want you out my house! Now!"

I nodded my head with tears in my eyes , packing anything I could fit in my bags . I took most of everything I had and took it to my car having to pass my brother on my way in and out .

He didn't say anything , instead he watched from a distance. Me and him were never close , only time I would see him were the times I came back home which was rare.

This was a very usual thing is this household . And it gets sad after a while that I have to leave almost every month to a toxic parent who really doesn't care about my well-being .

"Jamie you good?" He asked me and I turned around wiping my tears and holding my arms out pulling him into a hug.

"I love you no matter what happens , when I turn 19 you can move in with me . Until now we have to wait on it bubba." I kissed his cheek seeing his eyes water and I held him tight .

Grabbing the rest of my bags seeing him and my mother stand at the screen door watching me pull out the driveway , I felt alone .

Coming across a red light I stopped and pulled out my phone typing in Jermaine's number and calling him putting the phone up to my ear as the light turned green . He didn't answer .

I never understood why my ma aint like me . Im eighteen years old which means im grown . I respect her wishes and I don't do nothing she wouldnt except under her roof . But this shit happens every other day in that household nad honestly im tired .

I groaned and started driving into Jermaine driveway seeing a unfamiliar car in his driveway.

I grabbed my bags and walked right into the house after unlocking the door with a key he gave me "Hello?" My voice sounded through the quiet house and I scrunched my face up.

He said he would be here all week.

I walked upstairs into one of guest rooms setting all of my bags onto the bed hearing shuffling which sounded like it was coming from his room . Footsteps started to be heard and the room door opened . There he stood with no shirt on .

"Hey baby" He said out of breath trying to hug me and I moved out the way .

"Why didn't you answer the phone?"

"Fuck you questioning me for?"

"Why are you cursing it was a simple question?"

He licked his top row of teeth looking around before nodding "I'm not finna do this witchu today" He left out before I could say anything slamming the door behind him making me jump .

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