"N-no he didn't" I continued to look down at the floor avoiding eye contact furrowing my eyebrows slightly.

"You stuttered but since you insist nothing is wrong in the household" He cleared his throat. " well I actually know your father personally, so I took the liberty to call him to pick you up" A lump formed in my throat making me looking up at the doctor quickly.

"T-thank you" The doctor slowly walked out of the room leaving us in silence.

I crouched down to the ground pulling my knees into my chest silently sobbing. All I know is that my father is going to be very upset with me especially when he finds me here with the Sohma's.

"You're really pathetic" Akito grabbed me by my wrist forcefully pulling me up on my feet. "I despise pathetic females" Her nails began to sink into my arms causing the blood to slowly flow down my arms as I whinced at the pain. "You're more pathetic than the last one" She must have been referring to Hana.

Not a lot of nurse's were around to see what was happening, they to were very busy.

Hatori flung the covers back shooting out of bed rushing over to us trying to pry her away from me. Perfect timing the others walked in just in time to see what was happening.

Kureno rushed to help Hatori detain Akito at the other side of the room.

Yuki and Tohru helped me back onto my feet.

"Are you okay?" Yuki asked as I slightly nodded slightly to him.

"Its all your fault" Akito said making me tear up slightly.

I shook my head shoving the two out of the way as I ran straight out of the hospital sitting down on the edge of the fountain as I began to cry.

A few people that past by me stopped to stare at me bawling like some kid.

"Mommy! Mommy! Is she okay?" I heard a little boy ask.

"Mind your business sweetie"

All I could manage to think about was the voices running through my head over and over at once.

"Why are you causing trouble?"

"This is all you fault that he got hurt"

"This is your fault, your mother dead because of you"
"Don't utter a word to anyone or I'll make you pay"

There voices played over and over in my head. I couldn't stop the repeated sounds playing again and again.

"Its not my fault...I'm sorry I didn't mean it" I said to myself.

Confusion began to consume me.

Trying to make myself realize that not everything is my fault but on the other hand what happened to Hatori was.

I hope he can forgive me although I failed to protect him.

I failed.

The last thing he could possible need is someone who causes him trouble.

"Yukimi?" I stood up snapping my head around to see Momiji holding onto a stuffed animal with a sadden expression across his face as he sat right next to me.

"What?... Did you come to tell me its my fault too?" I asked him being a bit harsh with my words.

With all the things clouding my mind, maybe its time that I start to shut people out again.

"No, I saw you run out of Hatori's room" He looked down as if feeling sorry for me. "I wanted to see if you were okay"

I wiped my tears from my eyes but more began to quickly pour out of them.

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