Chapter 22: What Now?

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The dark was a place I was familiar with. A little bit too familiar for my liking. I don't know whether I am dead or still alive. I do not know which I would rather be. Alive or dead.

Both seem awful. If I am still alive, that means I will still suffer and feel pain. I will have to fight. Sometimes I just want to give up. Stop fighting.

Sometimes I don't think it's worth it. All that matters in the end is where you get sent to.
What you do on earth affects what happens in Hades, though.

What you do on earth determines your fate. I know that the judges will be tough on me. And they have every right to be. I'm just wishing that they give me a fair shot.

It was not my fault that my mother did that stuff. Now I don't know what to think of my mother. I know that what Thalassa showed me in the memory chamber was probably fake.

But it didn't feel fake. It felt real. What happened before I slipped into unconsciousness? My fathers said they were sorry. They are sorry. I cannot believe this. I should be jumping for joy, right?


They abandoned me for all of my life. It isn't going to make me feel better if that was what they wanted. They caused me so much pain and anguish. I thought and still think that my fathers never loved me. They never even liked me.

I thought that they saw me as a monster. Just another creature to kill. Then they said that they were sorry. No.

That's not going to cut it. Not at all. "You shall join me soon, child." My mother said.

"We are sorry." Zeus said.

"You deserve to die!" Octavion called.

Reyna said "You were the worst partner I have ever had!"

"Your blood on Drew's knife will wake me!" Thalassa called.

"You are the weakest demigod I have ever trained." Lupa said.

"We are sorry." Poseidon said.

What they all said rang through my head. Then the cheers. The cheers that applauded my death. As if they wanted me to die. I saved them numerous times!

Who they were, I don't know. But I saved a lot of people a lot of times. The crowd that cheered seemed blood thirsty. Well, they got their blood. I do not know if I am dead or alive.

I do know that I was a disappointment. A monster. A hopeless cause. A worthless case. Nothing more than a fighter.

The one who always fought because others were to much of a coward to do it themselves. I am done.

Even if I am still alive, I know what I will do. Once I fight the battle against Thalassa and her forces, I will go back to Camp Jupiter. I will resign from the praetor position.

Then, I will leave.

I will not go back to either camp. I don't belong. I never will. I am wanted dead by numerous people. I am wanted dead by the gods, my fathers. If they cared about me they would have showed me by now.

I did not even get claimed. I just knew because my mother told me. That goes to show how much effort my fathers put into our relationship. I cannot feel anything. I cannot see anything. I cannot smell or hear anything.

I cannot move. I cannot do anything. I am stuck like this for gods know how long. I am confused. Deeply confused.

Why am I in this state? Is this the bridge between life and death? I guess I will see. I want to stay alive. That's what I want. That is the one thing I ask for.

I don't ask for much. I just want to stay alive. It isn't that death scares me, even though it does. It's the fact that I have some unfinished business to attend to on earth. I have a primordial sea goddess's rear end to kick.

And her counterpart, Tethys. And Hank. And Drew. And Henry.

I thought he was different. At least a little. He was so sweet and kind to me. Thank the gods we were never close. I want to wake up. I want to finish what I started and then to leave. For good.

And just as I thought that, I saw a beam of light.

yay! Another chapter!
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Happy I didn't end it?
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I appreciate all that you guys do!
@BernzDemigodOfAthena made me realize that I wasn't being clear in the last chapter with some parts so I am here to clarify some parts of the story so here it is: when Drew walked in, everyone backed away from them so that Allie and Drew could talk. They thought that Allie could handle it. No one rushed forward when she pulled out the knife because Drew could have thrown it at Allie in a second and killed her or injured her. Drew had been training lately instead of locking herself in her cabin fixing her makeup, and now they all knew why. Everyone was in shock when Drew pulled out Allie's dagger. How could have Drew gotten it anyways? They were all confused. When Drew started talking about Tartarus, they all knew that something was about to go down. But they couldn't just act on impulse because Drew could throw the knife at Allie or charmspeak the rest of them to stay away.
Anyways make sure to vote!!

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