Chapter 5: Can I Be Trusted?

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The minotaur clawed at me, trying in vain to come in contact with my skin.

I felt three sharp claws rake across my face, one of them narrowly missing my eye. I used all my strength to kick the minotaur off of me. I then grabbed my sword that had scattered out of my hand. While the minotaur tried to stand up, I struck it with a small bolt of lightning.

It was just enough to electrocute it, but not enough to kill it. I knew how I had to kill it; I had to use one of it's horns. Whilst it was being electrocuted, I ran forward and sliced off it's right horn.

It bellowed in pain. The minotaur started to shake around and I held on tightly to the small stubble.

I was sent flying through the air, but I controlled the winds to cushion my fall. I rolled on the ground and pulled on the chain on my necklace.

My bow appeared in my hand and my quiver of arrows on my back. I notched an arrow and shot at the minotaurs left eye.

Whilst it was distracted, I rushed forward and impaled the minotaur throught the heart with its horn. It exploded into a pile of golden dust. I took a deep breath and grabbed my sword that I had tossed to the side. I pulled on my necklace again and my bow and quiver of arrows disappeared.

I turned around to face the camp. I readjusted my backpack strap and put the minotaur horn in it. I sheathed my sword and took a deep breath as I entered the camp borders.

I looked around, mesmorized. I was shaken out of my thoughts when I felt blood drip into my eyes. I wiped it away ferociously and started to walk around. I needed to find one of the seven that I had seen. Many campers looked at me like I was some sort of monster.

They sent me looks that I recognized immediatley. Shock, confusion, disapproval, curiosity, horror. The horror part was probably because I had blood all over my face and am doing nothing about it; I hadn't even flinched.

I walked towards the biggest building in the camp. I strode towards the door and simply knocked. A centaur answered the call. I looked at him.

"Um, hello. Are you a new camper?" He asked.

"Sort of." I said cautiously. My hand instinctivly went to my sword handle.

"Who is it, Chiron?" A boy asked. "Please, come in." Chiron, the centaur, said.

I nodded and followed him inside. I wiped more blood away from my eyes.There were ten demigods in the room. I wonder what they thought of me. I instantly recognized seven of them.

"Um, hi." One of the girls said. I didn't recognize her. "Hey." I said lamely.

"You're from Camp Jupiter?" A boy asked. Perseus Jackson said it. I was finally meeting these people. "Yeah." I said after taking a deep breath.

"Whose your godly parent?" A girl said. I recognized her as Annabeth Chase. She was looking me over, trying to find a weak point with those calculating eyes that only a child of Minerva, or in this case Athena, had. I did what I usually do. I plastered on my Roman poker face. She frowned at that.

I bet she didn't normally have people see right through her.

Everybody was staring at me, waiting for my answer. "Parent's actually." I said.

Their jaws dropped so far I was afraid they had broken them. "What?" A girl said. Piper Mclean, daughter of Aphrodite. I remember how much hatred Reyna held towards her. I smirked at their uneasiness.

"Yup, but I'm not immortal, don't worry." I said. "Please, do explain." Chiron said. I nodded and he led me towards an empty chair. I sat down, not realizing that my posture was pristine like it usually was. I held my head up high, just like Reyna had told me that a praetor should.

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