Chapter 1: My Story

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Hi, I'm Allie White.

You are probably wondering who I am and why I'm important.

Well, for starters, I am not supposed to be alive. My mother tricked the gods.

My mother, Linda White, fell in love with Poseidon and took some of his sperm cells without him realizing. I didn't ask my mother how she got them, but I figured it was the usual way.

After she dumped his sorry butt, she took on the challenge of making Zeus, king of the gods, fall in love with her. Of course, my mother won his heart. She played him like a fool; Aphrodite would have been proud.

She took some of his sperm cells and mixed the two gods's cells together. My mother then injected herself with them and had a child, me.

My mother wanted my name to have a special meaning, since I would most certainly be a special girl. Before giving birth to me, she watched a movie in which one of the characters was named Allie. She searched the name online and saw that it was a nickname for Allison or Alexandra and meant 'noble, kind' and 'protector/defender of mankind'. She thought that it was fate telling her to name me that, since she thought I would protect and serve the gods.

My mother always felt guilty about playing the gods like that, but she had let curiosity get the better of her. It was her fatal flaw.

When I was five years old, my mother gave me to a pack of wolves. The leader's name was Lupa. She trained me for about a year and then let me, a helpless six year old girl, out into the world alone to find the camp.

I found Camp Jupiter when I was six and a half. I trained everyday for six months after that before receiving my first quest.

Octavion had been captured. Even though I hated his guts, I had to save him from the Sea of Monsters. Why they would send a seven year old girl out alone to do that, I had no idea. They did so anyways, though.

I rescued him with some difficulty. I had to defeat the giant Mimas, bane of Hephaestus, in order to rescue Octavion's sorry, ungrateful butt.

Once I returned to Camp Jupiter without even so much as a thank you, activities continued as usual for about a year.

When I was eight years old, we received word that Hawaii was being terrorized by the Kraken. They sent me out again, all alone, to defeat the legendary Kraken. They expected an eight year old girl to kill the Kraken all by herself. For god's sakes, how dumb could they get?! They thought that since a son of Zeus did it before that I might have an advantage.

I had to find Medusa and defeat her, using her head to turn the Kraken to stone. Medusa escaped Tartarus before the Doors of Death were closed during the Great Prophecy. I lost my left arm in the process of slaying the kraken. The Kraken had bit off my arm up until just below my elbow.

Hephaestus made me a new one, though. My new prosthetic arm blended in very well, so you couldn't really tell at all that it was fake. All I had to do in order to make the prosthetic arm appear was press a button that was disguised as a freckle.

That was just about as much attention that I ever got from the gods. I knew that Perseus Jackson had received much thanks and recognition from the gods after his numerous quests, so I was a little bit upset by this. I also knew that the rest of the seven of the prophecy recieved thanks. I had done so much for the god's, and all that I recieved in thanks was a prosthetic arm so I could keep fighting for the god's!

Yes, I do know about the Seven, who wouldn't? They had defeated Gaea seven years ago, when I was seven. Soon after they finished the quest, I was sent out to find the newly captured Octavion. All of the members of the seven had miraculously survived. We are often told war stories about their journey. Rumors had been spread that one of the seven worked undercover as a spy, but they were quickly swiped away once Reyna heard of it.

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