Chapter 30: This Was Necessary

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I can handle 500 monsters. I defeated 425 of those monsters on my own when I was eleven.

But 5,000 monsters that will be here in less than a day? That's something worth freaking out over.

I sat there on the forest floor, still shocked that I had defeated Thalassa single-handed. I defeated a primordial.

Well, mostly. Once her army is dealt with, then she will truly be defeated.

I stood up shakily with my eyes practically bulging out of my head and started towards the dining hall.

I walked over to get a plate and sat down with my brothers. Hazel and Thalia weren't there. "Where are Hazel and Thalia?" I asked.

"They were asked to go to the Big House to see if anything made it out of the fire." Jason said. I nodded my head.

I was getting very drowsy. I mixed the mashed potatoes on my plate with the gravy. "What's wrong?" Percy asked.

"I just killed her." I whispered while keeping my eyes on the plate.

"You what?" Jason asked. "Thalassa, I just killed Thalassa." I said. "What? That's awesome!" Percy exclaimed.

"We have to tell everyone!" Percy said again while starting to stand up. I held his arm down quickly and shook my head. Percy was confused, so I clarified. "There is an army of 5,000 monsters lead by Tethys that will be at camp by sundown tomorrow."

Their expressions dropped. "We need to prepare everyone." Jason said firmly as he stood up and walked to Chiron.

His fist was bloody, so I asked Percy about it. "He beat up that kid who kissed Piper." Percy responded. I nodded.

My brothers had such kind hearts. They cared too much for people.

Chiron looked over at me with his eyebrows scrunched together. He closed his eyes and motioned me forward.

I walked up to him and passed Jason on the way. He grabbed my arm and said "You got this."

I nodded and continued to walk towards Chiron. "He told you, right?" I asked.

"When did you find out?" He asked. "Maybe twenty minutes ago." I said.

He rubbed his chin-scruff and asked "What am I supposed to do?"

"You aren't supposed to do anything, we are. Together, as a team." I said to him.

He looked down to me and said "Sounds good." With a fatherly smile.

"He said sundown? When are the camp Jupiter campers arriving?" Chiron asked.

"I'll message Reyna later and ask." I replied. He nodded his head.

"You defeated her." He asked, though it sounded more like a statement. "Yes." I responded.

"Impressive." Said a voice from behind us.

Chiron bellowed in agony and sunk to the ground. I looked at the attacker with a wild look in my eyes. It was Dakota. He wore a smile as crazy as he was.

The world seemed to slow once more.

I looked at Chiron, he had been stabbed at the center of his spine.

I looked back up at Dakota and then to the campers. The campers looked at us with confused and scared eyes.

I needed to protect them. In one swift motion, I unsheathed my sword and lunged at Dakota.

He was caught off guard; he had been admiring his work, or should I say disaster.

I pinned him to the ground and wrestled him to make him stay flat on the ground. My knees pinned his arms down and I put all my weight in one hand; that hand I shoved onto his throat. He struggled for breath, but I kept pushing my hand down on his throat.

He hurt Chiron. He hurt the camp. He hurt me.

I could hear young campers screaming with confusion and uncertainty and fear as well as the older campers who were trying to settle everyone down. I then thrust my dagger into Dakota's head, into the bridge of his nose.

Dakota stopped struggling, all of his muscles relaxed and he stayed still. I stood up, not even bothering to take my dagger out of his head.

We all knew how this life is, living just to fight another day. Living to keep others safe. You live, you fight, you die. That seems to be it. I've said that before, but the saying still sands to be true.

I remember what I had thought before I came to Camp Half-Blood. "I will never kill another human unless it is absolutely necessary."

I basically lived by that motto, and I still do.

This, I believe, was necessary.

Short chapter, I know
But oh well.
There's that.
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