Chapter 18: Memory Chamber

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I woke to banging noises on the cell doors. I shot upwards just as Hank entered the cell with Drew right behind him.

Drew snickered and eventually burst into laughter. "Ha ha ha ha, I can't take this! This is just too funny!" She stated.

I tilted my head at her and so she explained "At camp, you protected yourself from the fire, but here you can't! What changed, princess?" She was mocking me. I used the wall to stand up, though the pain was immense. I had to keep myself from vomiting.

Hank turned towards Drew and asked "Tell her what they said at camp." She responded with "Okay. At camp, they are all going about their daily boring business without a care in the world. They are just like that Roman camp you came from; they don't care. They will be slaughtered once Thalassa and her forces invade the premises." Drew cackled with laughter.

No, she was surely lying. But, was she? It wouldn't be a big surprise. I have been betrayed numerous times throughout my lifetime, so this would not be a first.

I shook my head at Drew, though she nodded in reply. "Come on, sweetie, time for more of these fun experiments." Drew said.

She kicked my knees so I fell down. I stared at the ground with wide eyes, trying to refocus my vision. Hank handcuffed me once again and pulled me up by my hair.

"Let's go have some fun." Drew whispered into my ear. I rolled my eyes as I was dragged down the hallway.

Once back in the torture room, I was re-handcuffed to the wall just like yesterday. Drew and Hank stepped backwards.

"Thalassa." Drew called. "Hello, my sweet." The evil primordial replied with a sinister tone to her voice.

"What are we going to do today?" Drew asked with a sneer. "Hmm..." Thalassa thought. After a moment, she replied with "How about we test the new product Hank has been working on?"

"What product?" I asked. "You shall see." Thalassa replied. Hank forced my mouth opened with his hands and Drew poured the potion down my throat. It felt as if magma was slowly making its way down my throat and into my stomach.

I coughed and gagged until the feeling was gone. It burned like Hades. My eyesight started to dwindle until all I could see was white. "What the Hades!?" I asked.

"What do you see?" Hank asked. "White." I responded. "Good, its working." Drew responded. "Am I blind now? Or-or is this temporary?" I asked.

"This, as of now, is only temporary." Thalassa responded. Thank the gods. I will be able to see again at some point.

"The arai has arrived." Thalassa said. My eyes widened. Oh gods...

I heard it flap it's leather wings and land in front of me. Then, I felt her slash her talons across my face. "You killed all of my siblings!" She screamed.

"How-how are you here?!" I asked. "I escaped before someone closed the doors again." The arai said. Okay, at least the doors are still closed.

"What now?" Hank asked. "Take her to the memory chamber." Thalassa said. "What's that?" I asked as I was being unchained. "You'll see." Drew said. I am sick of that response. I was lead down the hallway and turned left. Then, I was kicked into a room. I fell on my hands and knees. Once I looked up, I saw her.

"Mom?" I asked in bewilderment. I thought I was temporarily blinded?

"Hello." She said. "You must have heard about my placement."

"Yes." I said. "Oh well, I deserved it didn't I? I mean, look at what I have done. I could have still been living, had a normal child, not a monster like you." She said.

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