Chapter 20: The Loss Of Nails

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He smirked and said "Hello." I would have never expected him to be here. Octavion maybe, but not Henry. I thought he was somewhat my friend.

"What are you doing here?" I asked breathlessly. "I want what these people want. Thalassa offered me power, so I took it." He said.

"You are sick." I spat. "Oh well." He responded. "Well, we have no time to waste. Let's go." Hank said. "I thought you were different." I said. "Well, I'm not." He said.
"I can see your eyesight has returned." Hank said. I shrugged.

"Let's go." Henry said. He pulled me up and handcuffed me. "How long have I been in here?" I asked. "It's your fourth day I think." Hank responded. We walked down the hallway and back into the room where I was to be chained. "Hello darling. Have a good night?" Thalassa asked. I rolled my eyes in exasperation.

"What should we do today?" Hank asked. "How about we let our guest decide?" Thalassa mused. Henry smirked and said "Hmm..."

After he pondered over the possibilities he said "Well, since her skin is either burned or transparent and showing the poison in her veins, I say we do something new." Henry said.

"Like what?" Hank asked. Henry strode over to Hank and whispered into his ear. A smile slowly crept upon Hank's face. I don't like where this is headed.

"Let's do that. Go get the supplies." Hank said. Henry nodded and ran off. My eyes were wide with fear. Henry ran back into the room with ropes hooks?

Oh boy...

Someone was missing. Drew. Just as I thought that, someone hit me in the back of the head with a brick, and so I blacked out.


I woke up still being lifted off the ground. But this time it was far more painful. I looked up at my hands that were held above my head.


They attached fishing hooks to my nails and they were slowly being pulled off.One by one. My face paled. I heard them snickering below. "Shut up..." I mumbled. I bit my tongue to keep from screaming.

I saw blood falling into my eyes. Probably from my head injury. I felt my thumb on my right hand loosen. The nail. I looked up. My thumb nail was off.

I took a deep breath. I can do this. Another. My ring finger nail is off. Soon after that another. My middle finger nail is off.

"What are you going to do once all my nails are off?" I asked. "We don't know yet." Hank called up. I shook my head and continued to bite my tongue.

Another two nails broke off. My right hand is free. I moved my hand to the front of my face to get the blood out of my eyes. I gasped.

It looked awful. "What the..." I started. My left thumb nail is now off. Now the pointer finger nail. I'm almost done. Now the middle finger nail. Next the ring finger nail.

Now all that needs to come off it my pinky nail.

Lucky for me, my left hand is fake so I am not feeling anything. Although, my fake arm was made to blend in with my skin, so it looked like it was actually real. It looked as if the poison was still making it's way through my veins.

But they don't know that. No one knows that my left arm is fake besides the gods and some people from Camp Half-Blood. Nobody at Camp Jupiter knows that I lost my arm because I was given the prosthetic on my journey home.

Now the pinky nail came off and I am falling. This could be my chance to get out. I floated down. Once I got down I held up my hands. I made them stop in place.

I held their blood. So I ran. First to the cell where my necklace was. I put it back on. Then I threw them into the cell.

I locked it and ran. I ran as fast as I could. I saw sunlight. But I also saw darkness.

"Oh my gods..." I said. In front of me stood a twenty foot tall giant. "Who are you?" I asked.

"I am Tethys, daughter of Uranus and Gaea, sister and wife of Oceanus, counterpart of Thalassa." She said.

Oh boy....

"So what do you think you are doing?" She mused. "Leaving." I said. "Oh no, darling. You cannot leave yet. I haven't had any fun with you." She said.

She smiled wickedly. After a moment of silence I started out. Tethys put her hand out and said "Sweetheart, you are not going anywhere." She smiled again as she tightened her hand around my small being.

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