Chapter 16: Boo.

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I walked around the city until it grew dark. I found a collection of boxes to sleep in in another alley. I was now in Stroundsburg, Pennsylvania and still had a long way to go. So, I did something I hadn't done since I was in Tartarus.

I prayed to my fathers to help me on my way home. I didn't even know if I was going in the right direction!

I fell asleep praying. "Please help me on my way home. I ask of nothing else today. Please, please, please, please, please...." And so I slept. It was my fifth day away from Camp Jupiter. I missed both camps. I dreamt.

"Where do you think she is?" Percy asked a group of campers. "I have no clue." Clarisse said. They all looked worried. "She's been missing for almost two days. Do you think she went home?" Drew asked.

Ugh. What was she doing there?

"No, but it's a possibility. Let's keep that as a side thought." Annabeth said. Drew nodded. I could see the hint of a smile on her face. "Wait, she told us she thinks as knows who started this attack..." Jason started. He drifted off, but the others caught on.

"No, no way. Do you think?" Piper asked. "It's just a thought." Jason said. She nodded. "What? Who does Allie think is attacking us?" Another camper said. She was a daughter of Demeter, no doubt about it. The seven looked at each other. Drew looked frightened. I smirked at that. "She thinks Thalassa is attacking. You know, primordial goddess of the sea." Leo said.

This is the first time I had seen him so serious. All hades broke loose once again. "SILENCE!" Chiron yelled as he entered the room.

Everyone looked his way.

I could see Drew's hair was still stained a little with blood.

So could the other campers. "Drew, what happened to your head?!" A daughter of Hecate asked. She felt the back of her head and groaned.

"Oh my gods, Drew. Do you need to go to the infirmary? What happened?!" The daughter of Demeter asked.

"Um..." Drew started. I would love to see how she covered this up.

"I, uh, tripped and fell down the stairs. My head hit the stairs." Drew said. I could see the charmspeak from a mile away.

Piper seemed to even believe her though. I have to admit, it is a pretty good cover story. At least for thinking it at the last minute. The dream switched.

I saw my mother. She was in judgement. "This case has been going on for a long, long time. But we have finally come to a decision." One of the judges said. My mother nodded solemnly.

"We have decided to send you to" the second judge started.

The third judge finished the sentence. "The Fields of Punishment."

No. She can't be sent there. My mother nodded with silent tears streaming down her face. "I understand. I defied the gods and created a, what did you call her? A monster." Were they talking about me?

"Yes. If she decides to follow the opposing side from the gods in any battle, well, the consequences would be severe." The first judge said.

My eyes widened. "Get on your way, Linda. Enjoy the fields of punishment." The second judge said.

"You better hope that your daughter does the right thing. Otherwise she may join you. Or worse." The third judge said.

"What could be worse than here?" My mother asked through tears. "Let's just say she has already been there, but she escaped. This time though, she won't be able to escape. She will roam the dark depths of her worst nightmare for all eternity." The first judge said.

Tartarus. They meant Tartarus. If I messed up here, I will go back to Tartarus. No, no, no. This is awful.

I was shaken awake. I opened my eyes and was blinded by the sunlight.

"Boo." Hank said.

I scrambled to stand up. I pulled on my necklace, but then realized it wasn't there. Hank held it up in his hands.

"Looking for something?" He asked. "Give that back." I demanded. "No." He said. "I have to get you back to Thalassa. You are coming with me." he said.

"Why? Why are you with her and not your own camp?" I asked.

He paused to think. "Like Drew, I want power. Camp Half-Blood didn't offer me any power, so I went to Thalassa." He responded. "You are sick." I spat to him through gritted teeth. He shrugged and motioned forward. Before I could tell what was happening, I was hit on the back of the head, and my world slowly turned black. The last thing I saw was a bag being pulled over my body and Hank smiling like mad man.

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