Chapter 15: My Second Escape

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I didn't want to open my eyes.

I didn't want to see where I was taken to, for I feared that I already knew where I was. I forced myself to overcome my fear and open my eyes.

I was correct.

I was back in Thalassa's chambers.

All of the memories came flooding back in one blinding flash. I grabbed my head and rocked my body until the images started to fade.

"Well, well, well, look who decided to wake up?" Drew sneered from the opposite side of the door.

"You." I growled at her. "You were a spy, helping to destroy your own camp? Your own home? How could you!?" I asked her.

Drew shrugged her shoulders "Power is a, well, powerful motivator." She responded with.

I groaned internally. "Thalassa wants to see you." Drew said. "HANK!" She called.

Hank came running from the opposite side of the sickeningly familiar hallway. "Have you taken anyone else?" I asked.

"No," Drew started as she opened the cell doors "She only wants you."

I knew what I had to do.

As soon as Hank started forward, I pulled on my necklace.

My spear formed in my hand. I used it to flatten Hank to the wall.

I held him in the air with wind and pinned him to the top of the cell wall with the spear.
Drew jumped on top of me. We wrestled for a while.

She threw punches which I easily deflected and I got a few good hits on her precious, dolled up face.

She kicked my side and I fell down. Drew started forward, but I kicked at her ankles and she fell down.

I saw that the keys had scattered into the hallway while we fought. Once she stood back up, I grabbbed a fistful of her hair. She screamed at the top of her lungs as she thrashed in my grip.

I shoved Drew backwards towards the wall. She hit her head. Blood started to drip down the back of her neck.

While she was recovering I ran into the hallway. I slammed the door shut and locked them in the cell.

I made the spear disappear and Hank fell on top of Drew. I started to run out of the cave. I knew the exact route out.

Turn left, go straight, jump over the water chasm, turn right, turn left, fly over the chasm of spiked rocks, keep running straight until you see sunlight.

This has been my second escape from here, and hopefully the last.

Though I should know by now that hope doesn't get you very far.

Hope is a dangerous concept.

I ran as far away from the cave as I could. I knew exactly where I was.

I was in Harmony, Minnesota. The cave I was in was called Niagara Cave.

It was a long way back to Camp Half-Blood, almost twenty hours by car.

I better get started. I started to fly back.

I wonder how Thalassa got Drew and Hank to join her side. Maybe by force, maybe she hypnotized them like she tried to do with me. I guess I will never know.

Yes, she did try to hypnotize me, but it obviously didn't work.

It started to grow dark, so I rested once I was in in Elyria, Ohio.

I found a spot under a tree and rested there. I had no supplies; I was starving and thirsty. What was I going to do?

It was almost dinner time now. It has only been four days since I left home. Four days. It feels like so much longer.

So much has happened in this short amount of time. After a while of resting, I got back up and started to walk around the city.

There wasn't much there, so I continued on my way. I flew for what felt like a hundred more hours.

I ended in Newton Falls, Ohio. I decided to rest there for the night. I found another tree to rest under until I woke up.

I didn't have any dreams, which seemed to be a miracle in itself.

The sun shone through the trees and I could smell coffee freshly made in the local bakery.
I got up, stretched, and started to fly again. Once I was over the beginning of Elk State Forrest in Pensylvania, I saw something peculiar out of the corner of my eye.

Something sharp and silver was coming straight for my head.

I lifted my hand and used the wind to deflect the arrow.

Soon, dozens upon dozens of arrows flew in my direction.

I did what my instincts told me to do. I flew down into the forrest.

That was probably the worst descision I had ever made. I lost control of the air on my way down, so I hit tree branches and was jostled around until I was slammed into the ground. Once I got down to the ground, a doubting of cyclops' was waiting for me.

"ATTACK!" one of them shouted.

All at once, the cyclops attacked me.

I started to weave my way through their legs and out of the circle. Eventually they ended up fighting one another.

I shook my head in exasperation and ran towards the sunlight.

The cyclops from before that I had let live stopped me in my path.

I pulled on my necklace and my spear appeared.

"I spared you once, I won't do it again." I said to her.

She nodded and said "I know, and so I will let you go. I'll distract them. RUN!" I was shocked to say the least by her genereosity. I nodded in thanks, pulled on my necklace again so my spear would disapear, and ran.

I ran until I no longer could. I found an alley to rest in. Probably not the best idea, I know, but it was better than being killed by cyclopses.

I sat down next to a dumpster and put my head in my hands. I did something I had never let anyone see me do.

I cried.

I cried until I ran out of tears.

I cried for fear of my life, my friends' and families lives, for fear that I will not be able to pull through at the battle, for fear that I will not make it back to either camp.

I cried for my mother, gods did I miss her. I unintentionally thought about her every night. Her face, her hair, her eyes, her warm heart and caring soul. I wish I had time to know my mother. I sometimes wonder if the gods gave her cancer, since it couldn't be healed and the doctors had never seen a case so severe. I will find out if this is the case before I die. I need to; I need answers.

I wiped my tears away and stood up. This has been one crazy day.

i wrote that thanks
Super long chapter, sorry!
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