Chapter 19: Poison In My Veins

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The doors opened and I was lifted off the ground. I blinked away my tears and took a deep breath. "Where am I going?" I asked. "You'll see." Hank said.

I closed my eyes and prayed that this would end soon. I didn't want to find out what was going to happen to me if I stayed here much longer. I was led into another room. I heard the door slam.

I felt Hank attach me to the chains again. Oh no. "Just tell me what's going on." I said. Hank sighed and said "Fine."

I waited. "Here she is now. Just wait another minute." Hank said. I huffed in exasperation. Then I felt a sharp pain in my lower back. "Agh!" I said through gritted teeth. "What was that?" I asked through gritted teeth. I then felt my blood drip down my back and fall onto the floor.

"You really thought that was going to do much? I've had worse." I said. Then it struck. The poison. "AGH!" I screamed through gritted teeth. I heard them giggling in the background. "Nevermind." I mumbled. "Poison?" I asked.

"Yup." Drew said. "Nice touch." I grumbled. I heard her walk in front of me. She sliced at my face. I now had a slash mark running from my upper left eyebrow down to the upper portion of the right side of my mouth. I bit my tongue.

I also had the slash marks from the arai. Where did she go anyways?

If my eye hadn't been squeezed shut I would have been blind in that eye. How did I know this? I could feel it.

"What was that going to accomplish?" I asked. "Nothing really. Besides ruining your face even farther. Permanent scars are a major turn off you know." Drew mused. "Like I care." I spat. "Oh well." Drew said. I heard footsteps growing fainter.

"That was Drew." Hank said. I nodded. Blood was spilling into my mouth. So I spat. "Ugh!" Hank said. I had to stifle a laugh. He growled slightly in aggravation.

"You dare to spit in my face again?" Hank said. I shrugged. He pulled out something and struck me with it in the gut. It was a javelin. I coughed up blood.

"You just made life a whole lot harder for yourself." He whispered into my ear. I shrugged. That didn't really bother me. I coughed up more blood.

I could almost feel him smirk. He unchained me and let me fall to the ground. I started to wheeze. I couldn't breathe. "Ah, the poison is taking it's affects." He said.

I started to gag. I couldn't move or breathe. So, I vomited. I tried to calm down and take deep breaths but it wasn't working. Hank picked me up by my hair and pulled me into my cell. He threw me in and slammed the door.

I was left on the ground, gasping for air inside a cell. I could feel the poison course through my veins. I felt every drop drip closer to my heart.

Would this kill me? No, they wouldn't let it kill me. That would ruin their plan. I gasped and gasped until I felt a morsel of air find it's way into my lungs. Then another. And another. Soon I was breathing.

I was on my back. I was still blind, though. This was awful. I need to get out of here.
I hope that the others are on their way. But then again I hope not. I don't want them to see me like this, weakened and vulnerable.
Also I don't want them to have to see this place.

I was loosing blood, fast. I didn't think it could get any darker, but as I fell into unconsciousness, I discovered another layer of darkness that was yet to be seen by anyone else.


I dreamt. I saw myself running as fast as my legs could carry me. It was dark, too dark. Where was I? I stopped running. "Percy!" I yelled. "Jason!" I screamed. "Anyone!?" I called.

No answer. I sat down and tucked my legs under me. I rocked back and forth. The image shimmered and I was at Camp Half-Blood. I stabbed a manticore and beheaded a harpy in one second. I was on fire.

Then I literally caught on fire. A cannon ball hurtled towards where I was fighting and I didn't have time to move. I bellowed in agony. The cannon ball did not pierce my stomach, but it sat on my leg. "Agh!" I screamed.

A figure loomed over me and smiled wickedly before throwing down a knife. Just before the knife landed, the image changed. I saw the seven walking to a taxi. "Can you take us to Minnesota?" Piper asked.
The taxi driver smiled and said "Sure. Hop in." She smiled and thanked him.

She then told him "Do not listen to us talking." And he nodded. "So what's the plan?" Jason asked. Annabeth said "Well, I was thinking we go into that cave, find Allie, and get the Hades out of there."

"Good plan." Percy smiled as he wrapped his arm around her. She pecked his cheek. Piper said "What should we expect?"

"The worst." Annabeth said. The rest of them were quiet. Then the image changed. I woke up. I tried to move, but I couldn't. I can see now. I looked at my arms. My skin was practically transparent. I watched as the poison made it's way to my heart, slowly eating away at me.

I tried to stay calm. Tried. With seeing the remains of my burned skin and the poison spreading through my veins, I couldn't hold it in anymore. So I let it out.

All over the floor. As I scooted away from my vomit, the door opened. "Look whose up." Hank said. Then he walked in.

I saw him. His expression was blank. But I could see something in his eyes. Some emotion. I don't know whether it was sadness or betrayal or anger, but it was something. I gasped in recognition.


He gave her the necklace!!!!!!!!!!!!
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I appreciate it all!

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