Chapter 25: Sweet Dreams

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As the night sped on, Thalia and I grew closer. I enjoy having a sister a lot. It's nice to talk to someone about somewhat normal things. Then the question arose.

"Thalia," I started. She looked up expectantly. "What did you mean by 'Zoe and Phoebe met. They are hunting through the sky together'?"

Thalia took a deep breath and said "Well, Zoe was a hunter a long time ago. Phoebe died during the war against Gaea. So, Artemis put them up in the sky together to hunt together in harmony."

I nodded. I get it now. They were probably close friends to Thalia, and so, a sensitive topic. I don't know what that feels like, but someday I might. We eventually fell asleep, and with sleep came dreams.

"Thalassa, what should we do now that she knows what's going on?" Dakota asked. It was funny to watch him talk to a puddle of water so intensely.

"Well, we don't have to worry about Gwen right?" She asked. "I took care of her." Dakota said. What did he mean by take care of her? Did he kill her? "We also have Drew and Hank inside the camp." Dakota noted. "I am sorry that this turned out this way. Who would have guessed that Gwen would be such a blabber-mouth?" Dakota continued.

What in Hades was he getting himself into?

"No, Drew resigned." Thalassa said. "What?" Dakota asked. "Yes, and Hank probably will, too." Thalassa said. "Then let's attack now. We catch them off guard, we destroy them, you rise. It's that simple." Dakota said. I could sense that Thalassa was smiling.

"Maybe." She mused. Thalassa continued with "I need her blood before you attack. It takes time to work its magic."

"I'll get it." Dakota said. He seemed so confident. What a fool. Like I would even so much as let him into the premises, nevermind behind my back so that he can stab me.

"Remember though, she has to be dead in order for it to work." Thalassa said. "She does?" He asked. His face fell. "Yes." Thalassa said sternly. She continued with "Is there a problem?"

"No, I'll get it done." Dakota said. "Good, now go to bed." Thalassa ordered. Dakota nodded and walked over to his sleeping bag. "Goodnight, my warrior." Thalassa mused. "Goodnight, mistress." Dakota said. His eyes glowed a light blue as his head hit the pillow. Was he possessed?

Was Thalassa using his energy to wake up? That would be awful, no one has more energy than Dakota. The dream switched.

I was back at the Big House. Octavion was there, sleeping in my old bed. No, he wasn't sleeping. He was crying.

His face was red and his eyes were red and puffy. Octavion swung his legs over the bed and put his head in his hands. His shoulders shook.

His cheeks were damp from the tears that kept cascading down his bony features. He was a mess, to say the least. "Why am I like this?!" He asked himself.

He picked up his dagger from the bedside table and did the unthinkable. He sliced his head off.

Clean off. His body fell onto the ground and his head hit the ground with a sickening thump. His hand gripped the dagger tightly. His face was the worst of it.

Octavion looked peaceful for the first time. He was no longer crying. He was no longer yelling or stressing. He was peaceful. No, this cannot happen. Not today, not ever. He was doing so good!

I shook myself awake and ran out of Thalia's cabin. I heard her call behind me asking where I was going. I did't care. I ran as fast as I could to the Big House. I burst through the doors and ran to where I was staying before.

The door was locked, so I kicked it down. Chiron came galloping down the hallway. "What's going on, Allie?" He asked. I rushed towards where Octavion was supposed to be. I crouched down with tears in my eyes.

It already happened. "What's going on?" Chiron asked again. Thalia ran in and started towards me. She gasped. "Chiron..." She started. He came over to me.

"What...?" He started. Chiron analyzed the situation. "It's a long story..." I said. "What should we do? Send him back to Camp Jupiter or bury him here?" Chiron asked. "I will Iris-message Reyna later on and ask her what she wants to do." I said after taking a deep breath.

He nodded and Thalia and Chiron walked out. Oh, Octavion. Why did you have to do this? You could have achieved greatness! You were doing so good! Was it too difficult? Did the task seem impossible? I guess I will never know.

Sweet dreams. Rest in peace, Octavion.

I made him good then killed him!
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