Chapter 4: I Don't Like Monsters

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Once Violet and I exited the plane, we knew that we had to go our separate ways. She told me that since the Iris-messages are working again, that I can call her any time.

We exited the building and walked down the street together. We were walking in between two buildings with nothing to guide us besides a dim street lamp and the sidewalk.

Before we reached the end of the buildings, though, a monster jumped in our way.

It was the chimera. A chimera is a monster that has three heads - a head of a lion, a snake, and a goat. It's front paws are those of a lion and it's back legs are those of a goat. It's tail is that of a snakes.

"What's that?" Violet asked nervously as she took out her dagger.

"Chimera." I responded as I unsheathed my sword. She nodded and charged. Violet took the left side and I took the right side. She sliced one of the lion paws off and stabbed it's side. I sliced at it's neck, the goat neck.

It disintegrated into golden dust. I stabbed it's back and screamed "Violet! Get out of the way!"

She got the message and ran towards the end of the street, the opposite end. I backed away slightly and summoned lightning. It coursed through me and shot straight through my fingers. I loved that feeling. That feeling of something so familiar.

The chimera was being electrocuted now. I controlled the golden ichor its veins. I closed my eyes in concentration and felt each drop of ichor dripping out of it's wounds and running through it's veins. I forced the liquid outwards, and the chimera exploded. After I cleaned myself off with a gust of wind, I nonchalantly walked down the street to join Violet.

Her mouth was hung open again.

"Careful, you could catch flies." I said. She closed her mouth and I gave her a crooked smile.

"Wow." was all she could manage.

"Yup." I said.

"But you're a child of Poseidon, how can you control golden ichor?" She asked.

"I discovered that children of Poseidon can control any liquid after going through a, uh, certain phase." I said.

What I meant by phase was Tartarus.

I prayed to the gods for answers whilst in Tartarus. I begged them by saying "Why can I control these things?!" My powers frightened me then.

I had a dream that night about it. It showed Perseus Jackson controlling poison in Tartarus. There was a voice in the background that said "Once a child of mine goes through Tartarus and controls a liquid not of my specialty, they can control any liquid that they desire."

I am pretty sure it was Poseidon, considering the fact that he said 'any child of mine' and 'not my specialty'. I haven't heard his voice since, and I have never heard Zeus's voice.

Violet said "So, I guess this is where we split." I am glad she didn't ask what I meant by 'phase'. She seems to know when to not pry or ask any more questions.

"Yup," I said. I continued with "it was nice to meet you." She smiled at me and said "Same to you. If it weren't for you I would have been dead."

"It's no big deal." I said.

"Anyways, if you ever need me, just send me an Iris-message, okay?" She said.

"Okay." I responded.

She smiled and said "Goodbye." Then she did something that really surprised me.

She gave me a hug. I reluctantly hugged her back. This was the first hug that I had ever received, believe it or not. Most of the time I would receive a clap on the back or a high five for winning a war game or defeating a monster. I didn't ever get a hug when I got out of Tartarus, despite how much I desperately wanted one.

I have always had to fend for myself. No one ever listened to me or tried to become my friend because they were afraid. I am still in shocked by that. Why would they think that? Ugh, it infuriated me so much! But I hid those emotions, like I hid them all.

Once we broke apart she said "Thanks again, bye!"

"Bye." I said as she turned and walked away.

I walked around aimlessly. I finally reached the Bronx. I was leaning on a railing looking out at the water. I felt something wrap around my ankle and pulled me under the water. I squirmed out of it's grasp and was faced with a not-so-friendly neried. I unsheathed my sword and slashed at it, but to no avail. I used the water to propel me upwards and out of the water. I flew the rest of the way to Long Island.

I landed on a road and sat down. Man was I tired. I got five hours of sleep, but Violet must be more tired. I should have taken guard duty for at least a little bit of time. I hadn't been getting a lot of sleep lately, so I found it a miracle that I slept through the plane ride.

After resting for ten minutes, I got up and walked around. In my dream, I saw myself at the bottom of a hill. I had to look for a hill. I saw a hill jutting out from the trees in the clearing.

I started towards it. I hoped I wouldn't get attacked by any monsters on the way there, it was only a fifteen minute walk.

I heard a growl behind me. 'Just my luck' I thought. I unsheathed my sword and faced the monster. It was a gorgon. "Hmmm....I never thought I would have the pleasssure to kill you." it mused.

I rolled my eyes and said "I wish I could say the same to you." She gave me a short laugh and charged.

I jumped into the air and floated in place. She landed face first in the grass because she ran with such force at me. I quickly landed on her back and stabbed her through the center of her back. She wailed in pain as she disintegrated into golden dust.

I picked up my sword and started walking again. I was only five minutes from the camp, I hadn't thought of what I would say. What would I say?

I guess it would just come in the moment. I was at the bottom of the hill. I waited for the griffons. They flew out from the trees and attacked.

I sliced and jabbed until they were all dead. I made my way up the hill. I better not get attacked again, I'm starting to get aggravated.

Sure enough, a minotaur jumped right on top of me. Great.

DUN DUN DUHHH!! don't you guys love how bada*s i made her?

i do :)

so what do you think?

will she get killed? will she get saved for a change? will she kick the minotaur's read end?

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