Chapter 23: I Forgive And I See

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The light grew brighter. I could stand, and so I did. I could walk, so I did. I walked towards the light. I touched it, not caring what would happen to me.

If I was burned again, or if I was brought to judgement, I honestly didn't care anymore. Then something I didn't think would happen, happened. I saw a white sheet.

I moved the sheet away from my face and saw the infirmary ceiling. I thought I was dead. I looked around. Maybe I was a ghost. No one was there. There were bandages wrapped around where I was stabbed.

I sat up, but then laid right back down. The pain was immense.I took deep, shaky breaths. Had I gotten my wish?

I coughed. My throat was extremely dry. "Hello?" I called. No answer. Where was everyone? I heard yelling outside.

"Kill her!" The campers shouted. What's going on?

"She killed Allie, so she should get the same in return!" Clarisse yelled above everyone. "Silence!" Chiron called. I tried to stand.

I needed to get out there. "Drew," Chiron started. "You know our policy." He continued. I stood and ignored the pain.

I started outside. No, I limped outside. It took so much energy to take half of a step. This would be a long process. Chiron continued to talk and lecture Drew about what the consequences were when you killed another camper.

Before Chiron could deliver Drew's sentence, I walked out and yelled "STOP!" as loud as I could, taking deep breaths while clutching onto a wooden post outside of the infirmary. Everyone gasped. The seven rushed forward and my brothers engulfed me in a hug.

"You're alive?" Percy whispered in my ear. I nodded in reply. "We love you, Allie." Jason said. I teared up. No one ever said that to me. The rest of the seven hugged me.

Then the other campers. This is too much. I blinked away my tears. Everyone backed away and I walked to the stage very slowly while taking deep breaths. My brothers helped me walk to the stage by holding my arms to keep me standing.

Once I got to the stage, my brothers walked back down the steps and left me up there with Drew like I had told them to do.

Drew was sitting in a chair with her head hanging low and blood on her hands. My blood. The knife was on the table next to her. Her eyes were red and puffy from crying. Her makeup ran down her face. Her hair was a mess to say the least.

I saw the lake across the camp. I lifted some water to come to me. I cleaned the knife and watched as Drew's face fell. "You are not using my blood to wake her." I said. I cleaned her hands and let the water sink into the ground.

"I forgive you, Drew." I said loudly. Everyone gasped. Drew looked up at me with tears in her eyes. She searched my face for any sign that I was joking. But I wasn't joking.

"Thalassa is filled with empty promises, don't listen to her." I said. Drew nodded. "I know that now. I was such a fool." She started to cry into her hands.

"Yes, you were. Where's Hank and Henry?" I asked quietly. I crouched so that I was eye level with her.

"Hank is coming back soon and Henry is back at Camp Jupiter." Drew said. "Now listen to me," I said to her. "I don't have any say in what happens to you and Hank. But I will make sure that you aren't killed."

She nodded in thanks and I walked away. I was still weak, but I didn't show it. All I want is to rest. I could pass out from tiredness right now.

How is it that I keep surviving? I should have been dead a long ago. I walked to Chiron and said "Don't kill her or Hank."

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