Slamming the journal shut Sam shoves it away to sharply question "Do you have to have a witty comeback for everything?"

"Can you stop saying 'so get this' every time you come across something remotely interesting?" I don't pause in retorting. Arching my eyebrow challengingly when Sam stares boldly back at me, I mention "We grew up together Sam. You don't like it? Block it out like I do with your whining." Rolling his eyes Sam runs his hands tiredly down his face. However, I don't miss the mocking tinge to his voice when he repeats my words back under his breath.

Although with the door flying open the momentary joy floating between Sam and I is sucked right from the room. Dean walks right in with the same pissed off look on his face. He stalks right past me as the door slams with a mighty bang. Not even spared a glance I bypass the way Sam leaps to his feet from the table. Instead, I boldly stare after Dean who grabs his duffle from beside our bed. Thrown beside me Dean still refuses to look either of us in the eye in his casual haste to grab his things. It's an angry silence. That's the thing with Dean. Unlike Sam or me he doesn't unleash what he's feeling. It's not instantaneous. It's quelled and quashed. Shoved down as far as it will willingly go until the resolve cracks and the flood unleashes.

"Dean", Sam finally tries getting his brother's attention "What're you doing?" Silently I sit perched on the bed as Dean continues to passively pack his things. Not once sparing a glance towards either of us. He just keeps shoving things into his duffle with what seems like a determination to leave. With a nervous chuckle, Sam murmurs amongst the quiet "What? Are you leaving?"

"You don't need me", Dean doesn't even look his brother in the eye, attention set inside his bag pulling the zip "You, Eleanor and Ruby go fight Demon's."

"I technically was never involved", I mutter under my breath. Noticing Dean abruptly pause, gaze lifting to momentarily stare bluntly into the wall above our bed, I awkwardly add "...But apparently now isn't the time to argue that technicality." Hauling his bag up Dean strides right past me without even batting an eye towards his brother.

Sam on the other hand needs to have this conversation as he tries to move in front of Dean. But that's not going to stop him apparently as he sidesteps Sam beelining for the door with his things. "Dean hold on. Come on man-" Sam grabs his brother's arm to make him stop.

And stop he did.

Turning around my eyebrows shoot up surprised when Dean swings right around to furiously clock Sam across the face with a solid hit. He's punched with so much brute force Sam almost whirls entirely around like a bad 90's cartoon. I remain measurably silent as Dean stares his brother's hunched body down. Unmoving. Waiting for Sam's reaction. Slowly Sam straightens up sensibly holding his jaw. Dabbing his busted lip, Sam asks with a huff "You satisfied?" The answers are given when Dean reels back and swings another solid impactful punch with such a sound that makes me cringe.

Dean stares bluntly towards Sam who's once again clutching his face I don't think it's over. I think the conversation is just winding up when Dean angrily tosses his bag aside without a care. Dean's snapping and the cracks are surfacing. Leaping up I get between them when I notice Sam beginning to rile back up. Trying to be the voice of reason between the monkey men, I insert myself calmly between the simmering boys "Okay punching each other isn't going to work any of this out you overgrown buffalos-"

"You launched yourself at Ruby-Twice!"

"Perspective Sam! Perspective!"

"Look at you defending Ruby", Dean mutters lowly which regains my attention. Through a hard narrowed gaze, Dean grits through his teeth to Sam "Can't you see how far over the reservation you've gone? How far from normal- from a human?"

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