Chapter 12: History

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   Lord Castile talked more but I didn’t listen. Finally he was tired of my distraction and sent me out. Bryce walked me silently to my room but stopped just before it. 

   “This room is the library. Your allowed to walk around freely but only with a watcher, this room is close enough for you to go to on your own and while you’re here I suggest educating yourself on the Seven Year War.” He said. Gesturing to a large set of wooden double doors then leading me to the door next to them and opened it. I walked in and the room was still as luxurious as my sixth floor room at the Facility but completely different in decor. Unlike at the Facility it was all reds and blacks with a dark yet regal look to it. I sighed throwing myself down on the satin sheets and looking up at the domed ceiling. I wanted to curl up in a ball and never leave until Cameron came to save me but I knew I had to keep going and keep praying that fantasy would never become real. I stayed like this consumed and confused by my thoughts for hours until Bryce returned with some food. I nibbled on the bread and chugged the water but that was all. Finally I crawled up to the head of the bed and tucked myself in. Feeling both mentally and physically drained I fell asleep quickly but then awoke again in the middle of the night. No light or lamps were present so I fumbled around my bed side table a few minutes until my hand settled on some matched to strike and a candle to light. 

   Lord Castile’s castle illuminated by candle light was quite creepy. The head portraits of great warriors and royalty seemed to come alive and follow my every step quizzically with disproval. The Gargoyles bid me to follow my evilest whims with twisted grins and wild eyes but instead my short walk just landed me in the library to their dismay. 

   The room was stale and filled with dusty air that made my allergies go wild but I ignored it all, lighting torches as I went. I walked slowly through the rows of books, scanning each title as I went and finally locked in on the history section. I made a pile and carried it to a table and went to work reading. 

   I started with the biggest book in my stack entitled The Beginner’s Guide To History. I didn’t learn much about the war within it but I was shocked to learn more about the world I’m living in. The first thing I learned that boggled my mind was that here isn’t earth. For the past.. god knows how long at this point! I’ve been living in a completely different realm. I had yet to find the name of this new world but I’ve come to understand there are many realms and in each one resides other creatures. The realms are like an onion, everything is layered on top of each other, layer after layer, and in the middle was earth, where all the humans were, and then there was us, which was one layer above earth. All the realms are connected to earth as a neutral territory for all which I guess explains all the weird sightings we have but when we go looking we can never find anything. This realm is where all super natural creatures live, vampires, angels, fairies, werewolves, you name it its here.

   The next book I pulled out taught me about the first time the realms started traveling to center, or earth, and they discovered humans. The humans seemed to have gotten screwed in everything because we are the weakest race within all of the realms yet ours just so happened to be the one in the middle that everyone decided to call neutral and travel here when ever they wanted. For years and years the people of this realm have fought over how humans should be teated. Most instantly assumed slaves because we were a weaker being while others thought they should have relations with us and treasure us because many creatures live off blood and so we were their main food source, we sustained life. But still the pro slavery people won out for a while because they were all royalty and higher powers but then The Seven Year War broke out because Prince Cameron Castile didn’t agree with his father anymore. He went rogue and tried to disappear but many people followed him, forcing him to become the leader of a new group. Ironically the two groups actually believe the opposite of what they say they do, Lord Castile tried to trick rebels by saying he was pro freedom and so Cameron not wanting to align himself with anything that had to do with his father started saying he was pro slavery. Now obviously nobody believed them and took their respectable sides but its still pretty ironic to find out. Cameron and his “rebels” ran to the other, least populated, side of the realm and set up their operations there but the budding society had its problems and Lord Castile tried to strike them down every chance he got. The Rebels only had tents set up and were at their new home for a day before Lord Castile tried to get the upper hand and attack while they were unorganized but The Rebels survived and their settlement and defenses went up even faster. Everyone within the realm agreed to shut down all portals to Earth until a compromise had been met but it turns out people in higher power are there because they literally have more power and secretly traveled to earth without a major portal, kidnapping humans and bringing them back as labor but when the Rebels found out The Seven Year war began and for seven years they went back and forth attacking each other but finally they had to call it quits because no one was winning or losing. The war was a waste of time so they agreed to tolerate each other and in compromise The Rebels have set strict laws on the use on humans for everyone within the realm while the rebels also brought in wounded humans to heal and pass on to who ever wanted to take them. They only give humans to other pro freedom people but they always eventually found their way into the hands of pro slavery people.

   I sighed, rubbing my aching temples between my palms. One thing I can vouch for personally is that humans that come here do some how find their way over to the pro slavery side of things. 

   “Lovely history we have here right?” I jumped and looked up to see Bryce standing in the doorway with a candle of his own. 

   “What are you doing here?” I asked with a heavy sigh.

   “Couldn’t sleep, by the looks of it neither could you.” He said coming up and taking a seat across the table from me. He thumbed through the pages of a book that laid open absentmindedly or a moment before speaking again. “I’m actually pro freedom. I wanted to go with Cameron when he left but the minute he left Lord Castile locked the gates and forced everyone within his castle to stay. I’ve been holding my tongue now for centuries.” I watched his expression intensely but he was telling the truth, there was no hint of deceit to be found within his words or eyes. We locked eyes and shared a silent understanding of each other. “Tomorrow is when people from the castle get to go into the village and I’m planning on sneaking you out.” He said.

   “Why?” I asked, slightly shocked but also having to fight standing up and hugging him until he couldn’t breath. 

   “Because its the only thing I can do to help the cause I support and I want you to be happy. The longer your here the more inclined the Lord will feel to hurt you. The longer prisoners are here the...” He paused looking for a good word, “nastier he gets... especially females.” He said sadly, looking away. A shiver went down my spine as I imagined what he meant. “But for now you should go get some rest. Your going to need all of your strength tomorrow.” He said offering a warm smile before leaving. I sat in the library for sometime after this conversation letting everything sink in. After a while I realized it really was late so I finally dislodged myself front my seat and put the books back then headed off to bed.

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