"I'd like cheese pizza with a side of you."

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"So how have you been Naddy?? Tell me all about it!"

We're lying on my bed while eating out of a bag of Jolly Ranchers, courtesy of Alyssa's sweet tooth.

I suck on a blue one and smile. I love these things, they taste like little candies made of pure heaven.

"Well, I've been pretty good. Nick isn't the worst person to live with, and my bed is extremely comfortable," I say with all small smile, which quickly turns into a frown. "I haven't spoken to my parents since they kicked me out though."

"You don't need them anyway! They have always treated you like shit and even though your dad is totally fuckable he is such a douchebag." She says to me and I can't help but be disgusted.

"Alyssa that is the nastiest thing I've ever thought about. Never say that again."

"Fine. So... have you guys done it yet?" She asks and pops a green candy into her mouth. I blush and glare at her as she merely smiles.

"We're just friends Alyssa, barely even that."

I feel awful for lying to her, I really do. Alyssa and I don't usually tell each other everything anyway, because she knows I like my space. But this feels like a whole new level of betrayal.

I just can't risk people knowing, not now. Especially because of the odd text messages I've been getting. Someone is playing a prank on me, but I can't help the goosebumps I get from thinking about it. No one else can know, and Alyssa cannot keep a secret to save her life.

"Ugh, if I lived with that sex god... the things we'd do." She sighs and I resist the urge to roll my eyes at her.

"Talking about me ladies?" Nick says from the doorway, making both of us jump.

He's standing with his arm above his head, leaning on the doorframe in all his shirtless glory.

I want to cover him up just to get Alyssa's eyes off of him. I don't want to know the thoughts flying through her head right now.

I shoot him a subtle glare as Alyssa jumps off of my bed.

"Hi Nikki!" Alyssa says with her flirty, seductive tone. Okay, I am a little mad at the moment. I know she isn't aware of our relationship but still. My boyfriend is shirtless, and my best friend is trying to seduce him. It's not exactly my favorite moment.

I've never seen a guy reject Alyssa, not once in my life. And trust me, there have been plenty who could have.

"Hey Alyssa, I'm just going to order pizza. What do you gals want?" He asks us, looking at me with a twinkle in his eye.

Suddenly all my insecurities fade away when he looks at me. His smile will be the death of me, I swear.

"I'd like cheese pizza with a side of you," Alyssa says, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively at him.

I walk up to her and whisper in her ear, "He's gay Alyssa. Don't tell anyone."

I internally smirk when Nick glares at me.

"I'd love cheese pizza too, with stuffed crust!" I smile at him and pat his hair while I grab Alyssa and pull her to my bed.

Nick mutters little curses at me as he exits the room, and Alyssa glances back at me warily.

"What?" I ask her, putting on Pretty Little Liars, even though we've already watched the series about five times.

"You guys kissed the other day, remember? So why aren't you together?" She asks me, grabbing a grape jolly rancher from the bag.

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