"Get a room."

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I finish packing my stuff, and walk around the spacey room. I haven't gone to the bathroom all day, so I really need to relieve my bladder.

I walk over to the first door in the room I see, and pull it open.

Nick is standing in front of the sink, his bare chest on full display. He hasn't seen me yet, so I try to shut the door before he notices my ogling.

However, with my luck, the door squeaks just as I start to pull it shut and his eyes snap to mine.

"I-uh...I just had to use the bathroom. But I'll wait," I say as I retreat back into the bedroom.

"It's fine, I'm done anyway," Nick says before turning on his heel and walking out, causing his back muscles to flex with each step.

I rush into the bathroom and do my business, making sure to wash my hands. I also splash cold water on my face, hoping that the heat in my cheeks will simmer, and then I exit my- the room.

It's obviously not my room because I don't live here. Mom and dad are going to call me and ask for me to come back before the week is up.

I know they will.

With that thought, I walk down the stairs and into the living room I passed on the way in. Nick is already sitting on the couch,  his feet propped up on the coffee table.

If I ever did that, mom would probably take my phone or revoke my TV privileges.

I sit next to him, trying to keep as much distance between us as possible.

"Jamon, Alex, and Zayn were supposed to come over today. But I totally understand if you don't want them to. I don't want to make you uncomfortable."

He looks at me, and all I see is honesty and concern in his eyes. He is so confusing! Does he hate me, does he like me? Who knows!

"It's not my house Simmons. If you want them over, just let them over. Don't worry about me."

He just nods, and turns his head back to the TV.

"So... SpongeBob huh?" He chuckles at me and I grab the nearest pillow and hit him in the head with it.

"Don't be a bully! SpongeBob is by far the greatest cartoon ever!"

He puts his hands up to block his face from the incoming pillow, and I laugh at him as I lean back on the sofa.

Just as we both stop laughing, the front door opens and sounds of footsteps echo off of every surface.

"You guys sound like a stampede!" Nick yells at them as they come into the living room.

All of them grin when they see me, but Zayn's face morphs into a frown as he further inspects me, no doubt noticing my puffy eyes and red nose.

"What happened?" He asks, rushing to my side and brushing his fingertips over my cheek. His face is laced with worry, and it honestly warms my heart. On instinct, I lean into his touch, attracted to the warmth of his fingers.

I grab his hand from my face, holding it for a second before letting go. "I'm fine, really. Don't worry about it."

I hear Nick huff beside us as Alex and Jamon sit down beside him.

"Get a room." He sounds disgusted and annoyed, the total opposite of how he was just minutes before.

What crawled inside him and died?

Zayn simply rolls his eyes at his friend and scoots into the space beside me. He puts his arm on the back of the couch, right behind my head. I look down at my lap, trying to hide the heat in my cheeks.

"No hey for me Naddy? I am officially offended," Alex says, slapping his hand over his heart in fake offense.

I laugh at him.

"Hey Alex. Hey Jamon."

"See? Was that so hard?"

"You're such a doofus."

"Do you guys mind? I've had enough shit to deal with for one day, can I not just have one minute of damn silence?" Nick snaps at us, jumping off the couch.

Instantly, my heart chills from his bitter tone, and I quickly stand up and start walking towards the door.

"I'm going for a walk," I tell them, walking away briskly.

"Let me go with you," Zayn offers, getting off the couch as well.

"No! I mean, no. I'm fine, really. I just want some air. You guys should stay here and hang out; that is why you're here after all."

I fake a smile as I shuffle out, and the last thing I see before I close the door is Nick's guilty expression.

I lean against the door, taking in a deep breath that I really needed.

I knew Nick would think of me as a burden. I don't want to put any more strain on him than I already have.

I breathe in deeply, trying to release some of the tension and stress that is built up inside me.

Around me, a variety of colors fill my vision, and I realize how beautiful this place is. I've never seen grass so green, or flowers so vibrant.

Reaching my hand out, I touch the petals of a violet purple flower, loving the softness of its delicate texture.

I wander off into the woods, admiring everything as I pass it. I walk for a long time, I presume, and soon find myself at a familiar spot.

The creek Nick took me to a while ago.

The water is just as clear now as it was then, and the sun is glinting off the water beautifully.

I sit down on a rock, take off my shoes, and wade my feet in the water.

I let my thoughts drift to Nick; such a mystery.

He occupies my thoughts way more often than he should. I just can't help it though. I know he is a "bad guy", but I've seen other sides of him that many people haven't.

He helped me when I was in a... predicament. He let his guard down and has shown me a part of his life. He opened his home to me.

I haven't done anything to deserve those things, but he did them anyway. Out of the kindness of his heart.

He didn't try and get me to talk about whether or not I was okay. He either knew I needed time, knew that I obviously wasn't okay, or he just didn't care.

But I hope I'm wrong about that last part.

I guess I'm not doing that bad right now though. Yes, my heart still aches and my eyes still water when I think about what happened earlier, but I know everything is going to be okay.

My parents are going to call me some time this week, maybe even today, and beg for me to come back.

I know it.

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