"Shut up Alex!"

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At the end of the day, Alyssa tries to make me spill every detail about the kiss.

"What was it like? Was he rough or gentle? Was there tongue?" She asks, not even taking a breath between questions.

"It was wonderful. It was short and sweet and made my toes curl. Can you please drop it now?" I laugh at her as she bouts.

"I just wanted the dirty deets," she mutters under breath as the bell rings, signaling the end of the school day. We walk out of the doors, and I suddenly glance around for Nick, but I don't see him anywhere. I'll just talk to him later I guess.

Zayn is waiting for me at his car, and he waves at me as I make my way towards him. I can't deny the shock from hitting me as I see all the boys in the back, including Nick. I push away the thoughts of his lips on mine, praying for the butterflies in my stomach to calm down upon seeing him.

"Naddy!" Alex shouts at me with a grin as he practically yanks me over the seats. My ribs are being crushed by the head rest, and I hug him back before pulling away in a coughing fit.

"Don't kill the poor girl," Jamon says while I try to get my breath back. Nick slaps Alex in the back of the head with a glare.

"What the fuck dude?" Alex whines, pouting his bottom lip as he rubs the back of his head.

I ignore them as they begin arguing, and turn to Zayn who is trying very hard not to burst into laughter. "Not to ruin the fun," I say, glancing to the back seat just as Alex licks Nick's cheek, "but what are they doing here?"

"Oh, I meant to tell you sooner, I'm sorry. We're having a party at my place tonight. It's just a small get together with some of my college buddies and some people from school you probably know."

I'm a little disappointed, in all honesty. I was really hoping to study and read tonight, snuggled up in bed. However, since Nick will be there, it is the perfect opportunity for us to talk. You know... the talk.. The dreaded 'what are we' talk that is always made out to be a horrible occurrence. It won't be that bad though, right? Surely not.

"It's fine, I'll just stay in my room," I say as I start scrolling through Instagram. I have a love hate relationship with that app. I open it, and I either scroll through it for an hour or close it after seconds.

I glance up, noticing how all the banter in the car has stopped, and look behind me to see three boys glaring harshly at me.

"What crawled up all of your boxers and had a feast? Stop looking at me like that," I say to them and turn back around.

"You have to party with us!" Alex literally shouts in my ear, and I since as I flick him away from me.

"I don't have to do anything actually. We all know that partying is not my thing. Something bad always happens... so I'll just sit this one out."

"Please Nadine? It'll be fun and we won't leave your side all night," Jamon coaxes, as if that'll instantly change my mind. I will admit, I am a little tempted. The boys are always fun to be with, and if they're by my side all night, I shouldn't have any trouble.

"Fine, I will party with you guys," Alex practically screams in glee and he gets two slaps to the back of the head, "but only if one of you stays with me at all times. I'm serious."

"Yes ma'am, I would be delighted to be your night in shining armor. Your Prince Charming. Your guardian angel. Your-"

"Shut up Alex!" Nick yells at him, just as I hear a loud smack. Poor Alex, his head must be so sore by now.

"Why do you have to hit me so ding dang hard? I really hope you and Naddy never get kinky cuz her ass would hurt like a- OW! Stop freaking hitting me man!"

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