"What was that? I dont speak mouse."

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    ***His face 😍! Okay, continue reading!***

We drive for at least thirty minutes in complete silence. It's not awkward though. The quiet hum of Nick's engine is oddly soothing, and any worries I might've had earlier have dissipated.

The music in the background easily fills the absence of our words, and I'm thankful that we aren't talking.

I don't particularly like Nick. He is conceited, rude, and acts as if everyone should bow down at his feet.

But I definitely don't hate him.

He has already given me more than anyone has. Which is pretty sad if you think about it.

He and I are mere strangers, thrown together due to a regular school project.

We're polar opposites. We have nothing in common.

I can't begin to fathom what was going through his mind when he asked me to skip with him.

Something is off with him. Everything I think about him; he proves me wrong.

I thought he was heartless; careless. But he saved me in a near-rape situation. He restrained me when I was losing myself to violence.

He has saved me twice.

He isn't heartless, but I'm curious as to why he tries to portray himself as that.

He's a giant mystery.

He makes a sharp turn, making my attention jump into the present, and I see that we're on a dirt road.

In the woods.

The nerves begin to kick in.

I've seen too many movies where this situation leads to a tragic demise.

I don't want a tragic demise.

"Where a-are we going?" I try sounding completely unaffected by our unknown surroundings, but the fear is obvious in my stutter.

He doesn't answer, but I swear I see his jaw clench, making my stomach follow it's actions.

He's going to kill me, isn't he?

I question in my head, terrified as we venture deeper and deeper into the infinite valley of darkness.

"No. I am not going to kill you. Although it is an intriguing idea." Nick deadpans, and I nearly jump out of the window.

"Are you a mindreader as well as a murderer?" I question, genuinely curious and slightly frightened by his serious tone.

"You're just a verbal thinker." He shrugs his shoulders and my cheeks flame in embarrassment.

I bow my head, allowing my hair to fan over my burning face, and I can practically see him smirking at my idiocy.

Minutes later, he stops the car and I get out, mouth ajar at the sight before me.

Various shades of green litter every surface, creating a beautiful array of color.

We stand on the edge of a clearing in the woods. The ground has the richest grass I've ever seen, and the tree's leaves are literally the color I thought only existed with filters.

Through the middle of the open space, rests a crystal clear spring, big enough to swim in.

The sun peaks through the trees, bouncing off of the water in beautiful, shimmering diamonds.

I can hear the birds chirping from every direction, forming a song made solely for my ears.

"How did you find this place?" I ask, astonished at the view before me.

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