"A Sex on the Beach, please."

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***⚠️ possible trigger warning ⚠️***

The rest is the day goes by in a blur. Nick and I had a glaring contest every time we managed to see each other. Neither of us gave up, so my eyes feel like they haven't been hydrated for days.

Alyssa screamed in my ear every time she saw him looking at me, which was very often, causing my ears to ring occasionally all throughout the day due to her obnoxious yelling.

Now, I sit cross-legged on my bed, thinking about today's events.

Nick has practically declared war on me, and the whole school knows it. Girls glare at me in the hall -envious that I have any of his attention- and guys have noticed me more than ever. Which is definitely not a good thing.

I have a set of rules I follow to ensure a good life.

1) Keep my grades as high as possible.
2) Make sure mom and dad are content.
3) Never get into trouble.
4) Be a respectable person.
5) No distractions.

And, the number one rule that I have always, always followed...

6)No boys.

I have clearly broken that rule. Nick and I are practically at war, and I never would have imagined that would happen with anyone, let alone the schools bad boy.

But Nick just gets under my skin, causing me to forget about rules and manners and overall, everything I stand for.

But I'll be darned if I let a boy, walk all over me like I mean nothing.

I get enough of that as it is.


Walking downstairs after completing all of my assignments, I hear squeals of joy coming from the doorway.

Following the excited screeches, I appear at the door to see Amelia held tightly in mom's embrace, tears falling from both of their eyes.

I thought she wasn't going to be here until tomorrow, though.

Don't get me wrong, I love my sister. But whether she's here or not here, she still manages to make my life complicated.

I'm constantly put under her, while she stands on a mighty pedestal in our parent's eyes. No one understands how hard it is on me. Not even the people who are supposed to.

Snapping out of my depressing thoughts, I quickly approach my sister right as she pulls out of mom's arms, and encase her in my own.

I honestly don't remember what a hug feels like, other than Alyssa's. This one is warm and sweet, filled with love and longing for family that has been separated.

I rest my head on her shoulder and wrap my arms tightly around her waist, never wanting to let go. Amelia just has this aura around her, and it makes you want to be as close to her as possible.

Unfortunately, mom pulls her out of my arms all too soon.

"Baby, I missed you so much! What are you doing here? I thought your flight was delayed? Is everything okay? Why didn't you tell me you were coming earlier? I thou-," mom rambles, but is cut off by a laughing Amelia, "Breathe mom. Breathe."

Mom gives her a smile, and my heart clutches in my chest painfully. I have never seen such a genuine smile cover mom's face. And I'm not going to lie.

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