"It's true isn't it?"

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I stomp up to the room I am staying in for now, my vehement steps making the pictures rattle on the walls. How dare he do this again! He is an arrogant, rude, obnoxious, controlling, ill mannered, handsome, warm-


He's a devil! I hate him.

Once my feet pound on the floor that I'll be residing on for who knows how long, I slam the door and jump face first onto the bed, snatching a pillow and screaming into it as loud as I can.

"Stupid jerk!" The words are muffled into the soft pillow, but the agitated screams make my throat raw.

With a big humph I flip onto my back, staring up at the ceiling with a racing heart and a faster racing mind. Why has he kissed me like that, twice? I am nothing more to him than another one of his aforementioned toys, so why doesn't he go play with another one?

I don't want him touching me or kissing me like that, doing anything with me for that matter. Heck! I don't even want him breathing next to me; his breath alone is probably enough to give me some sort of disease.


And the audacity he has to call me his toy. I am a human being who is capable of making my own decisions! I don't belong to anyone, especially not someone like him.

I hear my phone ringing next to me, thankfully cutting off my internal raging. Of course, I pick it up and put it to my ear, not bothering to look for the caller I.D.

"Hello?" I ask when the line remains silent.

"Hey honey!" Alyssa screeches from the other end, her voice nearly drowned out by the obnoxious music blasting around her.

"Where are you Lyss?" Worry seeps into my voice. I hope she's not drunk at some random party, I don't want anything to happen to her.

"I'm with Drake Fields. Mannn he is packed in the junk department! Let me tell you that thing was at least as long as-"

"No! I do not want to hear about his...about that! Just tell me where you are and if you're okay," I insist, a blush coming to my cheeks from her slight description.

"God, I'm fiiiiiiiine. Don't be such a buzz pooper!" She giggles on the other end, definitely drunk. I sigh loudly and climb out of bed.

Quickly changing into a pair of leggings and an oversized sweater I pull on a pair of Ugg boots and grab my phone before leaving the room and sauntering across the hall. Summoning up the courage, I raise my fist and knock on Nick's door. When he doesn't answer after a few moments, I knock again, a little louder this time.

"What the bloody hell are you doing?" Nick's husky, angry voice meets me as he opens the door. His hair is mussed yet it looks so perfect, I want to reach out and-

"Well?" He says impatiently.

"Oh right, sorry. I need your car keys."

He blinks at me. 

He chuckles lowly, as if this is a comical situation. 

"Wait, you're serious?" He asks and I frantically nod my head. He stays silent, so I take that as my cue to explain. 

"My friend Alyssa is really drunk and at some party. I don't want anyone to take advantage of her or have anything bad happen, so I need to go get her."

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