"I haven't lost my marbles!"

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***Jamon above***

"Hey, what the hell?"

My eyes snap open at the voice and I can feel Zayn's arm squeeze my waist reassuringly before he reluctantly steps away from me.

I turn to look at an angry Nick, who has a glare directed at me. Not surprising at all.


"I told you that you could hang out with us, not steal Zayn the whole night. I guess you just couldn't resist huh?"  He slurs his words slightly and I then notice the haziness of his eyes. He's definitely drunk.

"What do you mean by that?" I ask, crossing my arms over my chest in an attempt to look confident and unbothered by his judgmental gaze.

He then sends his glare toward Zayn, which only increases my confusion.

"Forget it," he says as he stomps off to the bar like a child throwing a temper tantrum.

"Don't worry about him love. Let's go find Alex and Jamon, yeah?" Zayn asks, not waiting for an answer as he drags me across the room to our booth.

Luckily, both Jamon and Alex are sitting there when we arrive and I slide in next to Jamon as Zayn takes the seat next to a pouting Alex.

"Why didn't you sit by me?" Alex grumbles and crosses his arms in a toddler like manner. I merely roll my eyes at him and lean back against the soft, inviting booth.

"Probably because she doesn't like you," Jamon laughs out and rests his elbows on the table. All the boys have small, sloppy smiles on their faces, and the lights from the club bounce off of their hair, making them all look like models straight from a magazine.

We all just bask in the music that resonates through the boisterous room. That is, until Alex's eyes brighten and he looks at all of us excitedly.


Without a word, he slides the tray that Zayn bought earlier, and hands each of us a shot. I take mine hesitantly, not really wanting to drink but not wanting to be left out either. I brink the small glass up to my nose, and the smell of the alcohol is so strong that I wince and lower the glass.

"On my count, we all take it," Alex says, glancing at each of us, "3...2...1!"

I throw the glass back, and I struggle to keep my eyes from turning watery as the hot, burning liquid glides down my throat.

I can feel the urge to cough, but I hold it back and look up to see all the boys looking at me.


"Attagirl!" Alex says as he hands us all another one.

We repeat this process until all the shots on the tray are gone. Now, everything is kind of fuzzy, but good fuzzy. Like, when you snuggle into a soft dog or you hug a blanket.

No! I mean, when you snuggle into a soft blanket or hug a dog! Yeah, that's what I meant.

I giggle out loud, and I can feel Jamon staring at me like I've lost my marbles.

"I haven't lost my marbles!" I assure him, smiling brightly and widening my eyes to show him that I am perfectly fine.

"Dammit Alex, you broke the girl!" Zayns says, causing me to laugh at the way his eyebrows furrow together and his lips part. He doesn't even look real.

"So cute..." I trail off, biting my lip as I stare at Zayn and his wonderful hair! I wanna touch it.

"You can touch it. And I think you're cute too," Zayn says, winking at me. I squeal and scoot as far back into my seat as possible.

With wide eyes, I turn to look at Jamon and Alex who are both staring at me. I cover my mouth, shielding it from Zayn's view.

"He's a mind reader!" I whisper yell at them, and I pout when they laugh at me. "I'm being serious you buttheads!"

"She is so adorable!" Alex says, reaching over and pinching my cheek.

"Who is adorable? And don't pinch me, you aren't my grandma!" I swat his hand away from my face and glare at him as he tries to hold in his laughter.

I can feel eyes on me, and I use my super sonic vision to look for the spy.

"Aha!" I shout when I find him. "I caught you, you filthy spy!" He gets up from him seat at the bar and saunters over to us. I take a straw that sits in a little cup on the table. Quickly opening one end of the paper, I slide the paper down until only a tiny bit of the paper is left attached to the straw.

My target is only a few feet away now, and I bring the straw to my lips, closing one eye and taking aim. I take in a huge breath, and blow into the straw, forcing the paper on the end to shoot out and hit the guy right in the chest.

I jump up and do a little victory dance. The guy looks at me like I'm crazy.

"What did you guys do to her?" He questions the boys, grabbing a nearby chair and sitting down in between Zayn and I.

"Sorry Nick, I think I gave her one too many shots," Alex says, looking apologetic as he rubs the back of his neck.

I put my hand on his arm in comfort.

"It's okay Alex. We all forgive you for your sins." I smile reassuringly at him, hoping that I get through to him.

He looks at me for a second before bursting into laughter. Followed by Jamon and then Zayn. Nick only cracks a small smile, but it's gone as soon is a noticed it.

I look at Zayn and my eyes light up. I lean in close to him, whispering as if it's a secret. "Did you really mean it when you said I can touch your hair?"

He leans in also, his warm breath fanning over my face and tickling my cheeks. "Yes." I smile big and reach both my hands up. As soon as my fingers make contact with his soft, silky strands, I close my eyes.

They feel like a Thneed! Straight from the Lorax. Well, I haven't actually felt a Thneed, but if i did, it would feel like this. Once I've had my fill, I lean back in my seat, smiling at Zayn and his head of hair.

"Thank you!"

He chuckles deeply and nods his head in reply.

"You guys seriously had to get her drunk?"

"Sorry, man." Alex says, holding his hands up in surrender.

I look over at Jamon who is sitting silently, with a tiny smile on his lips.

"Whatcha smiling about?" I ask, leaning into him and smiling with big doe eyes.

He looks down at me, and bites the side of his lip.


I'm just now noticing how attractive all of these guys are. I'm surprised they even talk to me. They are just so...perfect.

My eye focus back on Jamon and his pink, plump lips. His teeth are still sunken into his flesh, and the other side of his mouth is tilted up in an irresistible smirk.

All the sudden, I'm shy. I glance down at the table and play with my fingers in my lap. All the while feeling Jamon's gaze on me.

Author's Note:
Hey guys!
So I'm really struggling with Nadine's character. I don't think the character I chose really fits her. I want to change her into a brunette with blue eyes, but I'm not sure what person I should pick as her inspiration. Will someone please help me?
Thanks, loves! 💕

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