"Oh good, you're awake."

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I try to sleep that night. Nick's arms hold me as he sleeps peacefully, no lines creasing his perfect face. I stare at him for hours, tracing softly over his features. I want to remember the feeling of his skin. The stubble on his jawline. The way his long eyelashes cast a shadow over his perfectly sculpted cheekbones. I lean into him and kiss his lips, lingering for a few seconds before I pull away from him. I hold back my sob as I slip out of his bed quietly.

"I love you Nick Simmons, always," I whisper to him, and walk to his door with tears streaming down my face. I don't know what's going to happen today, but I feel like I won't be seeing Nick again for a long time. Or anyone else for that matter. Whoever is doing this to me obviously has a hatred for Nick and I both, and what's to torture us in whatever way possible.

I want to resist and fight back, and stay with Nick for as long as I can. But they'd do something awful to someone I love. I can't risk that happening. I throw on a pair of leggings and a large sweater. I slip on a pair of boots as well.

I need to bring something to defend myself obviously, I just don't know what. I could slip one of Nick's pocket knives in my boot, right? Yeah, I've seen that in movies.

Breath, Nadine. You need to do this to protect the people you love. You've failed your parents. You failed your best friend when you kept things from her. You failed Nick when you left him for Zayn. You can't fail any of them again. You have to do this.

I walk to the kitchen and open the drawer that Nick keeps his pocket knives in. I grab one and put it in my left boot, and another I put in the waistband of my leggings. I hope he won't mind, if he even notices that they're missing. I take a deep breath and look around with tears in my eyes.

This is really it, isn't it? I wipe my tears and lift my head up, walking out of the house without another glance behind me. I walk to the nearest bus stop, and then I get on as soon as it arrives. Deep breaths. Don't panic.

I'm dropped off at the cafe fifteen minutes later.


I walk into the small building and I'm hit with the strong scent of coffee and freshly baked bread.


Chills run down my spine at the voice, and I look at the man who's sitting at the table in front of me. I blink back my fear and sit in front of the unfamiliar face. He's a handsome man, no doubt. Although his eyes are dark and terrifying. He has a scowl on his face, and his calloused hands grip his coffee so hard I fear the glass will break.

"W-what do you want with me?" I manage to ask the man, clenching my hands under the table to stop myself from trembling.

"You see, my son seems to be very fond of you. He didn't listen to my warnings, so I need to make him regret it."

My breathing halts as I realize I'm actually in front of Nick's father. The man who abused him. Tortured him. Sent several men to sexually assault me. The man who will go to any extreme to make sure his son is miserable.

"So what- you're going to kill me? For an accident your son made years ago?" I hiss at the man in disgust.

"Watch your tone with me bitch. I won't kill you yet. But I'll keep you away from Nick for months, until he's so broken without you he can't even think. And then I'll send him a video of you when he thinks you're gone. It'll give him a small bit of hope. And then when he starts getting happy again and begins to look for you, I'll record you bleeding on the floor and make him watch."

"He didn't do anything wrong, why are you torturing him?" I shakily ask, a tear slipping from my eye. He can't torture Nick that way, it's the most inhumane thing he could possibly do.

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