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*** Slight sexual content ahead ***

I walk through the house, hearing Nick's heavy footsteps follow behind my soft ones. Finally, after what feels like hours of walking I spot Alyssa. Her hair is covering half her face and she's wearing the shortest dress I've probably ever seen. A guy has his hands in a tight grip around her waist, and he is whispering into her ear.

Quickly walking up to them I move Alyssa's hair from her face and see the haziness in her eyes. She's totally wasted. The guy looks me up and down, and his lips rise into that crude smirk that these males usually have at these kind of parties.

"Come on Lyss, we're going home," I say to her, putting one of her arms over my shoulder and ignoring the guy's groan of disapproval as I take Alyssa away from him. Nick attempts to help me, but I brush him off and tell him to just go unlock the car. Making it through the house is pretty difficult, especially since Alyssa is barely walking so it's a lot harder to move.

Once I finally get to the car, I slide Alyssa into the back seat as she mutters inaudibly. We drive in total silence, Nick has his jaw clenched for some reason, and I keep looking back towards Alyssa to make sure she isn't going to puke anywhere.

We wouldn't want to do anything to Nick's precious car, now would we?

I navigate him to her house, and as soon as he stops I jump out, grateful to be relieved of the tension inside. Grabbing Alyssa, I lead us to the back of her house, and sneak her through her slightly cracked window. Like a good friend, I follow her in and help her into more comfortable clothes. I check on her one last time before exiting her window as quietly as possible, and shut it softly behind me.

"You'd make a great burglar you know," Nick says when I get into the car.

"I think I liked you better when you were silent." I roll my eyes and look out the window as we drive. He is so confusing. Wait, no. I take that back, he's not confusing at all. He's just a bored boy who enjoys playing with my emotions. Stringing me along like a puppet; his own personal toy. He acts like he cares because he knows it gets under my skin. That's it, there's nothing more to it, nor is it confusing. I've got him all figured out actually.

Suddenly, I feel his hand on my thigh, rubbing higher and higher. I don't want him touching me, but his hand feels heavenly and warm through the thin fabric I'm wearing. I want to move out of his touch, I shouldn't let him play with me anymore than he has. But I can't, it's as if I'm glued in place. He puts his hand slightly up my shirt, skimming his fingertips along my waist with seductive softness. He rubs the skin right above my pants, giving me chills, and slips his fingers just under the waistband of my leggings. I gasp from the warmth of his hand, not able to say a word or think, his touch is all I can process.

My breathing increases, and my heart feels as if it's going to beat out of my chest. I never thought a single touch could feel so good, yet just the feel of Nick's fingertips touching my skin is enough to fill my body with a hot, lustful flame.

He quickly stops the car, and his lips are attached to my neck in seconds, a sweet torture. I lean my head back and close my eyes, reveling in the feeling he is giving me. His tongue glides across my flesh, licking and nipping at my skin like he's desperate for a taste. His fingertips graze the top of my underwear, and my breath hitches in my throat. I can't believe this is happening, and I can't believe how much I crave it.

His lips move up to my ear, just as he starts playing with the top of my underwear, teasing me yet barely touching me. He's intoxicating.

"What do you want Nadine?" He whispers hotly in my ear, making my nether regions react to him before my brain does.

"Please Nick," I practically beg him, intoxicated by all things Nick Simmons.

"Your wish is my command sweetheart," He teasingly says, slipping past the barrier of my underwear. I moan at the new contact, leaning my head back as his fingers glide lower and lower.


I quickly wake up, feeling someone shaking my shoulders. Oh crap, I just had a wet dream. About Nick Simmons, oh no. Oh no no no. I try to hide the shade of red that appears on my cheeks. but when I look up at him through my lashes, I see him with a deep, cocky smirk on his lips.

"What were you dreaming about?" His smirk grows.

"N-None of your business. Let's go inside, I'm tired," I stutter, and rush out of the car as fast as I can.

He runs over to me, caging me against the car door with a wicked glint in his eyes. His hypnotizing orbs scan me from head to toe, assessing it's prey. I look down at my feet, embarrassed and in no mood for his games tonight.

"You want me, don't you?" He asks genuinely, though the arrogance and lust can be heard in his tone.

"No, I don't. What I want is to go to bed, so if you'd kindly move out of the way-"

"Just admit it. You think I can't see it? The flush in your cheeks, the way you never look me in my eyes for more than a second, the way you stutter and play with your fingers when you're around me, the way you bite that perfect lip of yours, and how you press your thighs together whenever I come around you. That all gives you away Nadine. You want me just as much as I want you, so just let it happen."

He brushes my hair behind my cheek, and leans in. His lips are centimeters from mine. They have been several times, and yet we've never kissed once.

I put my finger to his lips before they make contact with mine, pushing him away from me.

"Never. See Nick, that's the difference between you and me. I care about my feelings. And all you have done is play with me and lead me on. No matter how my body responds to you, my mind isn't as vulnerable to your games. You lead me on, act like you want me, and then treat me like trash. You're toxic, completely and utterly toxic," I say with a small smile. "You don't want to love me, you want to fuck me. And I'd rather go to hell then give you the satisfaction of watching me fall for you then fall apart when you're done with me."

He looks pained, as if I just smacked him. I smile inside.

"Now if you'd excuse me, I'm going to go to sleep now. Goodnight Nick."

I leave him to process my words as I walk into his house and go upstairs to the room I've been given. Undressing, I put on an oversized T-shirt, and complete my nightly routine before crawling under the warm covers. As soon as my head hits the pillow, I want to stay there forever. Staying with Nick, no matter how annoying and confusing his actions have been, has been amazing. I feel accepted, which is not normal for me, and I'm grateful to him for giving me that.

But I knew it wouldn't last forever. So in the morning I will pack up all of my stuff, write him an appreciation/parting letter, and leave him and his beautiful home behind. I can't live with him if I want to keep my sanity. He's too tempting, too good at his trickery, and definitely way too good at making me believe he cares. I can't live with that.

For now though, I will snuggle into this perfect bed which is in his perfect house, and fall into a perfect, dreamless sleep.

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