"As you wish."

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***Nadine's dress***

Standing in front of my mirror, I inhale deeply, trying to lower the feeling of nausea rising in my throat with each passing second.

I smooth my sweaty palms along the satiny material of my dress, a poor attempt at getting rid of some of the moisture.

After researching for over an hour, desperately trying to see what kind of dress to wear, I got an idea of what to wear. I then searched through the section of my closet that Alyssa prepared for me, and found the dress that rests on my body right now.

The dress is a deep, saturated red, and the satin material makes the light glint against it everywhere I go.

The neckline allows some cleavage to be visible, much to my dismay, and it barely covers my thighs. My hair is curled and flowing down my shoulders in golden waves. Any normal girl would feel beautiful, sexy, and confident.

But all I feel is nervous, insecure, and completely exposed. I hear a rushed knock on my door, and I quickly grab my phone to check the time.

8:57 p.m.

I quickly pop on a coat of red lipstick, put on a pair of heels that match the dress perfectly, and grab my phone before rushing downstairs.

I open the door hastily, greeted by Nick standing in front of me, looking effortlessly perfect. He's wearing a black button down shirt, with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, revealing his sculpted arms. The first few buttons on his shirt are undone as well, giving a peek to the chiseled chest underneath.

Realizing that I've been staring for way too long, I snap my eyes up to Nick's, only to be met with his eyes scanning my body with no shame.

"N-Nick? I'm ready to go when you are."

That snaps him out of his daze, but the heat of his gaze still sticks to my body like a second skin.

"Let's go. My friends are waiting in the back."

With that said, I make a mental checklist in my head, making sure I have everything I need, before walking out of the house and locking the door behind me.

As soon as I turn around, my ears are greeted with multiple catcalls, originating from Nick's car. I walk speedily to the vehicle, trying my best to hide my bright red cheeks.

Nick is already settled into the driver's seat by the time I approach the door, and I swiftly slide into the vacant seat next to him, trying to ignore the sounds coming from the group sitting behind me.

"Damn Nick, you didn't tell us she was this fine," one of the boys comment as soon as we pull out of the driveway.

I don't know if that statement makes me want to blush or punch the guy who said it.

I settle for keeping my mouth shut, and sinking down in my seat slightly, trying to direct the attention off of me.

"Hey," a boy says from the back and taps on my shoulder, causing me to reluctantly look at him out of politeness.

He has skin the color of cocoa, and his hair is dark brown and swept to the side of his forehead in a lazy, but stylish manner. He has a dazzling smile, and a very friendly face.

"Hi." I shyly wave at him as he looks at me with caramel colored eyes.

"You're Nadine, right? I think you're in my math class."

"Yeah, that's me. And if you have Mrs. Brantum fifth period, then we do share that class."

"I'm Nick's best friend, Jamon. I'm also your new go-to partner in math." He grins adorably, and I can't help but smile back at the view.

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