chapter seventy seven

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(content warning: contains sexual language.)

"so, tell us everything! how was the date with seonghwa?" wooyoung asked as the boys sat spread out on the floor of yeosang's bedroom sunday afternoon.

"oh my god. let me tell you, it was the bestest date in the whole entire world!" hongjoong cheered and his friends clapped their hands for him, excited to hear more.

"yay! i'm so glad. what did you guys do?" yeosang asked.

"well at first he took me to this really fancy italian restaurant. the food was so delicious!" hongjoong started out and his friends 'oohed' and 'aahed' in response.

"that sounds amazing! what did you eat?" wooyoung asked and yeosang laughed, reaching over and lightly hitting his friend in the arm.

"wooyoung, who cares what he ate!" yeosang said and wooyoung shrugged his shoulders.

"i don't know, i was just curious!" wooyoung responded and both of his friends just laughed in response.

"since you're so curious, i had spaghetti with meatballs and seongie had some spicy rigatoni. but now, here's where it gets good!" hongjoong screamed out and his friends listened intensely.

"what happened? tell us tell us tell us!" wooyoung repeated three times, anxiously awaiting hongjoong's reply.

"listen up! so after dinner, we went back to his house. we went into his room and he asked me what i wanted to do. i remembered that one direction's documentary was put on netflix yesterday so i asked him if we could watch that, so we did!" hongjoong exclaimed, a huge smile forming on his face as he spoke.

"that's so cool! was that all that happened?" yeosang questioned with an eyebrow raise. hongjoong laughed evilly in response, getting ready to tell his friends the good details.

"hehe... and then, we made out. we made out in his bed!" hongjoong screamed out and his friends jumped up in excitement. yeosang stood in one spot with his hands on his head and wooyoung began running around the room, unable to control his happiness for hongjoong.

"what do you mean you made out with him?!" yeosang took a seat as he questioned his friend, wooyoung eventually calming himself down and taking a seat beside yeosang again.

"i mean just what i said! we were just laying down and watching the movie, and then all of a sudden, his started kissing my neck. one thing led to another and we ended up making out!" hongjoong cheered, covering his rosy cheeks with his sweater paws as he spoke.

"that's really cool! wow, you weren't lying when you said you had a really amazing night." wooyoung said and hongjoong nodded his head vigorously in response.

"yeah, it really was. but if i'm being honest, one weird thing happened when we were kissing. all of a sudden, i felt something hard in between my legs. i was really confused, it's never happened to me before..." hongjoong spoke quietly as he scratched the back of his head awkwardly, still really confused as to what that was in between his legs. wooyoung and yeosang both looked at each other wide eyed, knowing exactly what hongjoong was talking about.

"hongjoong, do you know what that means?" wooyoung asked the boy with doe eyes and hongjoong shook his head no.

"i don't... i was really confused honestly. especially because it felt really good at the moment, but then it hurt so bad afterwards! i didn't want to tell seongie because i don't know if that's normal, but i'm just so confused." hongjoong answered with a head shake, sounding a bit embarrassed as he spoke.

"that's called a hard on. a hard on is when your, um... you know, your boy part gets hard. it happens when you're really excited." yeosang tried to explain to hongjoong without getting too graphic. hongjoong furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, not understanding what his friend was saying at all.

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