chapter ten

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as the final bell rang, hongjoong sprinted out of the classroom. he was particularly excited to go home this friday. not because he couldn't wait for the two days off of school, but because he was going to hang out with his mom and brother before she had to leave for work the next morning.

after retrieving the necessary books he needed to complete his weekend homework from his locker, hongjoong ran to jongho's locker so they could walk to the car together. when jongho noticed the bouncing smaller boy standing next to his locker, he rolled his eyes, but quickly put on a fake smile for his brother.

"hey hongjoong, why aren't you waiting for me in the front like you usually do?" jongho asked, hoping his friends and classmates don't notice his younger brother with him.

"i'm too excited! i wanna get home fast! we get to hang out with mommy!" hongjoong was bouncing so fast he was practically vibrating and jongho put a hand on his shoulder to calm the boy down.

to jongho's dismay, he heard san chuckling behind him. san put an arm around the boy and jongho sighed, "so, you're hanging out with 'mommy' before the party tonight?" san asked, putting finger quotes around the word 'mommy'.

"what party? i love parties!" hongjoong asked, seeming really interested.

jongho quickly put his hands up, "no, san didn't mean party. we're just going to his house to hang out, like you do with wooyoung and yeosang."

"if they drink and fuck bitches like we do at our par--"

"san, now's not the time." mingi defended jongho, putting a hand over his friends unfiltered mouth.

"don't listen to san, hongjoong. but yes, my mom has work this weekend so hongjoong asked her if we could go out before she had to leave again, anything wrong with that?" jongho furrowed his brows at the older.

"i guess not." san crossed his arms, feeling a bit defeated.

"ok, let's go now hongjoong. we don't want to keep mom waiting." jongho grabbed the youngers arm, pulling him out of the building without even saying goodbye to his friends.

"why don't you ever let me talk to your friends?" hongjoong asked, confused by his brothers constant exclusive behavior.

"you wouldn't like them, joongie. they're not your type of people." jongho answered, hoping the conversation wouldn't continue.

"but you let seonghwa babysit me. why would you leave me with him if i wouldn't like you friends?" jongho realized hongjoong had a point, so he differed the conversation.

"well, maybe that's a way you can get to know my friends better. i think he might have to watch you again tomorrow night, so you can get to know him even more. but that's not important, we have to get home for mom." when hongjoong heard mom, he completely forgot about the previous conversation about jongho's friends and started running towards the school exit.

"hey, not that fast!" jongho called out to his brother, picking up the pace so the younger wouldn't be walking in the parking lot by himself.

as soon as jongho pulled into their driveway, hongjoong jumped out of the car and started vigorously ringing the door bell.

"is that my joongie ringing?" hongjoong heard his mom on the other side of the door.

hongjoong giggled and brought his hands up to his mouth. "yes mommy it's me! come on, let's go!"

hongjoong's mother opened the door, her son attacking her in a big hug. her other son gave a small wave and started walking towards her car. "come on hongjoong, if we keep hugging we won't be able to hang out! jongho is going to san's in four hours, so we have no time to waste!"

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