chapter fifty nine

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since hongjoong had nothing else to do saturday morning, he sat alone in his room and played with his stuffed animals. seonghwa was busy and he was going to yeosang's later in the day, so this was his best form of entertainment for the time being. hongjoong also didn't want to bother jongho, so he decided to stick with himself.

"hello night fury, can i say that you look rather dashing this morning!" hongjoong spoke in a deeper voice than his usual for his toothless plush.

"why thank you, toothless. you don't look too bad yourself." hongjoong cleared his throat and spoke in a higher pitched voice this time, trying to put on his best female voice for the character.

before hongjoong could continue with his stuffed animal's conversation, he heard a light knock on his bedroom door. he figured it was his mother bringing him a snack of some sort, so he smiled widely and put down his stuffed animals to run and open the door for her.

"hi momm— oh, hi jongie." hongjoong was a bit shocked to see his brother, but was happy nonetheless.

after getting a better look at his brother's face, he noticed jongho's face was red and puffy like he had been crying over something. hongjoong instantly began worrying for his brother, the smile on his face turning into a frown.

"jongho, are you ok? have you been crying?" hongjoong asked, using jongho's full name rather than his nickname because of how worried he was for the boy.

"y-yeah, i-- actually, no. i'm not ok, that's why i came here. i wanted to talk to you." jongho choked on his words, the tears falling down his face as he stood in hongjoong's doorway.

"come in, sit down on my bed." hongjoong moved to the side and allowed jongho to walk in.

jongho quickly ran inside and sat down on hongjoong's bed. once he sat, jongho grabbed one of hongjoong's fluffy pillows to cuddle into. hongjoong ran to a bin he had in his room that contained tons of fluffy blankets and grabbed one for the boy, wrapping it around jongho to comfort him and warm him up. jongho smiled at the cute action, opening the blanket up a bit so hongjoong could be wrapped up in it with him.

"jongie, can you tell me what happened please?" hongjoong spoke quietly, not wanting to scare or push jongho to say anything he didn't want to.

"i, um... do you want to know why i came home so late last night?" hongjoong nodded his head, "well, i broke up with ryujin."

"oh my god, i'm so sorry. i know how much you liked her." hongjoong apologized and jongho immediately shook his head.

"no, that's not why i'm upset. i mean, yeah i guess i liked her a lot... at one point in time. but after getting to know her better, i realized how much of a horrible person she truly is." jongho spat out, sounding disgusted with the girl he once called his girlfriend.

"what do you mean a horrible person?" hongjoong questioned, not understanding what jongho meant by his statement.

"she's so rude. she would always belittle people, you and your friends in specific. i never told you about it because i didn't want your feelings to get hurt, but it's true. it would happen so often, way too fucking often. sorry for my language, but it infuriates me. i don't understand how someone can talk about another person like that, especially their boyfriend's brother. it's absolutely disgusting.

and on top of that, she's always so jealous of everybody! the other day when she came to our table at lunch, she was being her typically bitchy self so i decided to turn around and talk to yeosang instead of her. she got so jealous that she started bad mouthing yeosang right in font of him! i know for a fact he definitely heard it and was hurt by her words, but i know he would never tell me that. also, she flicked his head as she walked away from us. i couldn't take it any longer." jongho cried even harder, holding onto hongjoong tightly.

end of the day | seongjoongWhere stories live. Discover now