chapter six

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"mommy, do you really have to go to work today?" hongjoong pouted while holding his mother's arm.

"honey, you know how hard it is for me to leave, but i have to. i promise i'll be back soon. until then, you can text me, ok? i love you." hongjoong's mom leaned down and gave hongjoong a kiss on the forehead.

hongjoong kissed her on the cheek and sighed. "ok mommy, i love you too! i'll see you soon!" hongjoong waved goodbye to his mother and she began heading out of the house, giving her other son a hug before leaving for work.

"ok joongie, i need to tell you something." jongho sighed as he motioned for hongjoong to sit on the couch. he hadn't told hongjoong that seonghwa was watching him for the night. he was honestly quite afraid, he knew hongjoong wanted to spend time with him, but jongho had to go on his date.

"what is it? are you going to tell me about all the fun we're going to have tonight!?" hongjoong jumped up and down in his seat and jongho tried to calm him down.

"not quite. i actually can't watch you tonight." jongho sighed and hongjoong's eyes widened, getting nervous at the thought of being left home alone, "wait! you won't be alone, don't worry. mom and i talked about it already, and my friend is going to watch you tonight." jongho reassured his younger brother who began to smile.

"which one of your friends, jongie? please tell me it's yunho, he's so nice!" hongjoong smiled, remembering how sweet yunho was to him last time jongho's friends were over.

"um, not exactly..." jongho began trailing off, "it's... seonghwa."

hongjoong's facial expression was indifferent. he didn't seem upset, but not happy either. "i don't really know seonghwa too well... i know he's been over the house before, but he's never talked to me."

jongho let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding in. he knew seonghwa wasn't going to be nice to hongjoong, but at least hongjoong didn't know that just yet. "ok, well you'll get to know him very soon, babe. he'll be here in about twenty minutes." jongho said as he got up, walking into his room to finish getting ready for his date.

while he waited for his babysitter to show up, hongjoong turned on his tv. spongebob was playing, so he decided to keep it on.

after an episode filled with laughs and smiles had ended, hongjoong heard a ring on the doorbell. "it must be seonghwa!" hongjoong jumped up in realization, running to the door.

before hongjoong could open the door, jongho sprinted out of his room and in front of the smaller boy. "he's my friend, joong. let me open the door for him and introduce you guys." hongjoong smiled slightly and stood back as jongho opened the door for seonghwa.

"hey ho!" seonghwa greeting jongho as he walked into the house, giving the boy a side hug.

"hey hwa. let me introduce you to hongjoong." jongho said as he closed the front door of the house and faced his younger brother, "hongjoong, this is seonghwa. seonghwa, this is hongjoong."

as seonghwa was about to give the boy a small wave, hongjoong attacked him with a hug. "hi seonghwa! my name is hongjoong, but i like to go by joongie." hongjoong giggled and seonghwa slightly pushed the smaller boy off.

"um, hi." seonghwa replied dryly, making hongjoong frown.

"ok, well i have to head out. hongjoong, text me if you need. i shouldn't be any later than midnight." jongho said as he tapped his brother's shoulder.

"better not be any later than that. also, let me know how it goes." seonghwa gave jongho knowing eyes and jongho chuckled back, waving goodbye to his friend and brother as he closed and locked the door behind him.

end of the day | seongjoongWhere stories live. Discover now