chapter forty eight

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seonghwa woke up bright and early monday morning with a big smile on his face. he was really excited to take hongjoong out on their second official date.

seonghwa had some ideas where he wanted to take hongjoong, but he needed to make sure they were good enough to please the boy.

as he was about to text hongjoong's mom to ask her what she thought of his ideas, seonghwa remembered that she had left for work in the early hours of the morning and wouldn't return until some point on wednesday. he scratched that idea, not wanting to disturb the woman at her workplace.

"there's no way he'll be awake this early, but i guess i can try." seonghwa said to himself, picking up his phone and texting jongho to ask him.

hey ho
i'm taking your brother on a date today, but i wanted to know if my ideas were any good. can you text me back and i'll tell you what they are?

seonghwa sat up from the spot in his bed, rubbing his sleepy eyes before pulling the covers off his body and heading towards the bathroom. after brushing his hair and his teeth, he hopped in the shower to clean his body.

when he stepped out, seonghwa noticed over fifteen minutes had passed and jongho still hadn't answered. it was only nine forty five, so he figured jongho just wasn't awake yet. seonghwa picked up his phone and began texting hongjoong, scratching the idea to surprise the boy.

seongie 🧚‍♀️
hey honey! good morning😚

strawberry joongie 🍓
ahhh hi my beautiful seongie! good morning☺️

seongie 🧚‍♀️
so i had a few ideas for our date today, but i wanted to make sure you liked them. you can pick whichever is your favorite!

strawberry joongie 🍓
YAY!!!! tell me, i'm sure i'll love anything you come up with!!

seongie 🧚‍♀️
you're too sweet baby. but ok... let's go!
1. lunch
2. arcade
3. mall
which would you like??

strawberry joongie 🍓
you're gonna make me CHOOSE??? i love them all!!!! buuuuuuuut...
ARCADE!!!! i wanna play games!!!

seongie 🧚‍♀️
perfect! the arcade was my favorite too... but i didn't want to tell you that!!

strawberry joongie 🍓
you should've just told me that! i don't want all our dates to be chosen by me, you should have some say!

seongie 🧚‍♀️
maybe next date, your happiness comes before mine. and it doesn't even matter, we're both very happy with your choice!!

strawberry joongie 🍓
true!! what time are you picking me up?

seongie 🧚‍♀️
is twelve good? is jongho going out? do you need me to get you earlier?

strawberry joongie 🍓
nope, that's perfect! he's not going out until one today

seongie 🧚‍♀️
amazing. i'll see you then, i miss you!

strawberry joongie 🍓
i miss you too!!! can't wait!💞

seonghwa put his phone down with a big smile on his face. he picked up the blow dryer and began fixing his hair, making sure to look perfect for his arcade date with hongjoong.

ok since this is another short chapter i'll update twice today!! yayyyyy🙌🏼🙌🏼and hehe... i'm excited for the next chapter👁👅👁


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