chapter forty nine

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seonghwa smiled at how adorable hongjoong looked when they entered the arcade monday afternoon. hongjoong's eyes lit up, his little legs running wild to the many different games.

seonghwa chuckled when realizing how well hongjoong fit in at the arcade. he was cute and tiny, just like the little kids that surrounded them. to seonghwa, hongjoong honestly seemed more excited than half of the kids there.

"joongie, stay with me! i don't want you to be alone during the whole date." seonghwa chuckled and hongjoong looked up at the older sheepishly.

"sorry seongie, i'm just really excited! i love playing games, but i haven't been to an arcade in forever!" hongjoong apologized and seonghwa put a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

"it's ok baby, but let's go somewhere together. what game do you want to start with?" seonghwa asked and hongjoong put a finger on his chin, looking around the game room at all the different games he could play.

there were so many options to choose from at the arcade; the car race, whack a mole, even deal or no deal... hongjoong just couldn't choose.

"i don't know, i want to play them all!" hongjoong pouted and crossed his arms in frustration.

"joongie, don't get upset. we can play them all eventually, ok? why don't i decide on the first game, would that help?" seonghwa looked into the boy's eyes with a slight grin on his face. hongjoong nodded his head and seonghwa grabbed hongjoong's hand, walking around the arcade to find a fun game for the two of them to play.

"hey honey, what about that one over there?" seonghwa asked as he pointed to a net that contained two basketballs and two basketball hoops side by side on the other side of the arcade room.

hongjoong's eyes widened at the game in front of him. he was horrible at basketball, he honestly hated the sport a lot... but like he said in the text messages earlier, hongjoong wanted to do something that seonghwa liked for once.

"ok seongie! but i'll warn you, i'm not very good at basketball." hongjoong frowned a bit but quickly turned it into a smile, seonghwa not noticing the slight frown the boy hid from him.

"it's ok. i'm not very good at it either if i'm being honest... but i enjoy watching it on tv." seonghwa laughed and hongjoong felt a weight lift off his chest, feeling a bit thankful that the other boy wasn't too great at the sport either.

the twos boys walked hand and hand over to the basketball game. once they arrived, seonghwa put in the proper amount of coins needed to play the game and grabbed the basketball he needed to play the game with. he waited for hongjoong to do the same, the small boy leaning over and grabbing his own ball after inserting his coins.

"ok, are you ready?" seonghwa asked and hongjoong shook his head.

"i'm actually not... what's the point of the game?" hongjoong shyly admitted while scratching the back of his head and looking down at the ground. seonghwa chuckled at his adorable reaction and moved closer to hongjoong to explain the game in detail.

"ok, so what you have to do is grab the basketball from inside this net. when you pick it up, you have to shoot it and try to make it in the basket. after you shoot it once, it'll roll back down and you'll shoot it again. you keep doing this for a minute straight. after the minute is completed, the amount of baskets you make out of all your attempts will be compared to the amount of baskets i make. whoever makes the most baskets win!" seonghwa finished explaining and hongjoong finally understood how the point system worked.

"oh ok! that sounds like fun actually." hongjoong covered his mouth, giggling a bit to himself as he spoke.

"it is fun, i used to play it a lot when i came to arcades when i was younger." seonghwa said.

end of the day | seongjoongजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें