chapter fifty eight

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"ok san, as you know, wooyoung's bedtime is ten thirty. he needs to be home by nine thirty so he has time to get ready for bed. other than that, i hope you guys have a great time! wooyoungie, please remain calm when you're with san. if anything happens, you both have my number." wooyoung's mother spoke to the boys before san could take wooyoung out on a mini golf date.

"of course, mrs. jung." san bowed respectfully, "have a great night." he smiled one last time before grabbing wooyoung's hand and walking with him to the car.

"bye mommy! i'll miss you!" wooyoung screamed out and waved to his mother before stepping into san's car and slamming the door loudly.

san walked around to the driver's seat and opened the door, stepping into the car and starting the engine up. wooyoung immediately started getting a bit antsy in his seat, shaking nervously as san began driving away from his home.

wooyoung's anxiety had been acting up all day but he chose not to tell anyone about it. he knew if he told his mother about it that she wouldn't allow him to go on the date, and he really didn't want to just sit home with san for another night because of something he can't control.

"hey beautiful, what's wrong?' san asked wooyoung, glancing over to the boy quickly before returning his eyes to the road.

"i don't k-know, my anxiety has be-been bad today." wooyoung stuttered out, choking on the words as they left his lips.

"why didn't you tell me earlier? you know i wouldn't have cared if we stood home today instead of going to play mini golf. do you want me to turn back around and we can watch a movie or something?" san asked, speaking extremely quickly in fear of wooyoung having a panic attack.

"no, i really w-wanna play." wooyoung shook his hands in the air, trying to shake the nerves out of his body. san noticed what the boy was doing and grabbed one of his hands, immediately feeling the younger's body relax a bit from his touch.

"if you say so. i just want you to have a good time. i promise, once we get there you'll calm down. i'll even buy you ice cream if you'd like!" san exclaimed and wooyoung shrieked, jumping up and down in his seat after hearing that ice cream was now in the deal.

"yay! i looove ice cream!" wooyoung dragged out his words as he spoke for emphasis.

"i know you do, my love." san stopped at a red light and turned his body to face the younger, leaning down to give his hand a quick but loving peck.

"sannie, you're the best." wooyoung smiled as san lifted his head, wooyoung blushing a dark shade of red.

"it's not possible for me to be the best when you exist." san pinched the boy's cheek, turning his body back around to drive as the light turned green again.

the rest of the car ride was silent, both boys having nothing to say to each other. they just sat and enjoyed each other's company.

a few minutes later, san parked the car in a parking lot. he turned the car off and unclicked his seat belt, wooyoung following the older's actions.

"we're here!" san exclaimed and stepped out of the car, running over to the other side to greet wooyoung as he stepped out of the passenger's side.

"i'm really excited! but to be honest, i've never played mini golf." wooyoung shook his head as the boy's made their way to get their golf clubs and golf balls.

"oh really? well, not to brag... but i'm pretty good at the game." san shrugged his arm, holding a smug smile on his face as he spoke.

"of course you're good at this game, you're good at everything!" wooyoung lightly hit san in the arm as he laughed, san laughing along with him as they approached the counter.

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