Chapter 17

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Girls Und Panzer: Tankery's End Part two

Chapter 17

For two months the Japanese High schools had been working closely with their new allies. The Americans had taken them into the fold quite quickly. Getting all the girls situated was trivial but it all had worked itself out. The girls had then begun helping with the maintenance of the American tanks and started going on patrols and lookout watches. It wasn't the most entertaining, but it needed to be done or risk Federation wrath.

The boys from Uncle Sam and Montana had all gained back much needed weight and got back to working as soon as they were able to. Mark's leg had healed fine, and Austin's back would scar but he said it would be perfect proof of the Federations mistreatment of him and his team.

After the first two nights of staying at the base the mood hadn't really changed. It seemed people still harbored negative feelings towards one another. Mainly the boys from Virginia, but when Chubbs and William came forward with the idea of a Barbeque Edward was on board. It was the perfect tension breaker. Everyone mingled and gotten negative feelings out of the way. It was coming together to be a wonderful time.

Now things had moved into a more professional stream. With a call to Johnathon about Uncle Sam's and Montana's tanks it surprised them that Edison High School had managed to reclaim the town of Homedale for just long enough to rescue all the tanks. A long convoy of Association vehicles arrived to bring the old relics of war back to their owners. With more maintenance and some extra supplies all American tanks were good to go.

Things seemed to finally be looking up. However, complications are sure to still arise.

Edward and Maho were in the command room debriefing each other on Federation movements and fortifications. The two had grown close in the time spent in the city. They relied on each other to update them on missing info or other important details involving not just the Federation but with their own forces. Their manner in which they communicated was highly professional. They both were even voted overall commanders of the joint forces in Hoja City. While Johnathon still had command of the Association forces across the island, here in Hoja City things were in a completely different situation.

"So, we have confirmed the presence of Federation snipers in the mountains, we think they might try to use the height advantage to hit our supplies or something." Edward said.

"If we keep Rivers and the Montana boys on the north side of the city, they can deter any chance of getting out a clean shot. Any Federation tank that shoots from there will be taken out by Rivers and his team. They can hit that right Edward?" Maho asked.

"Rivers would be insulted if he heard you ask that. Also, how many times have I asked you to call me Ed?" Edward asked.

"You have asked me sixty-two times and told me fifty-five times." Maho said grinning towards him.

Edward only allowed one person to call him his whole name. his mother. And he gets personal with anyone who even tried to do the same. However, with Maho it just felt right. Her demeanor and attitude felt like she couldn't hold saying nicknames at all.

"Alright, what about personal. How's moral holding up?" Edward asked.

"No situations, however, there have been some instances of people giving others 'looks' whatever it means. I think that their might still be some animosity in the ranks." Maho said.

"What looks are they giving out?" Edward asked.

"some are just staring profusely at another; some are gazing at another and there is just something in their eyes. I can't explain it. Their faces get red which I could only presume with anger. It's a growing happenstance to." Maho said.

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