Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Just like Maho had said, the Federation unit arrived withing a week. The port town of Hawassa was flooded with hundreds of college age women offloading British origin Challenger 1 and 2 tanks. These would be the main tanks the Federation unit would use. A total of three hundred and thirty tanks were being off loaded. However just as the offloading was finished, the boarding for the schools who were leaving commenced. Chi Ha Tan, BC Freedom, Count, Maple, and Anzio had all decided to leave the island and head back home. It was a saddening day for all the high schools but with the reinforcements they would be fine manpower wise.

The command structure made during the beginning of the match was still in effect. Maho, Miho, Katusha, Darjeeling, and Kay would still be the five overall Commanders of the Federation team. And now, thanks to the reinforcements, Maho and Kay prepared a heavy push to capture the CP town of Homedale. Both Uncle Sam and Montana would be there to oppose them. Though with limited numbers and no reinforcements of their own Maho figured this would be an easy win. She was right.

Shells landed everywhere. In addition to Maho's fifty tanks from Kuromorimine and Kays fifty from Saunders the Federation unit gave a flat hundred for Maho to command. The battle was very mediocre. In fact, it was so easy it was boring.

"Twenty more on the left!"

"Coming from the right, a whole school worth!"


"We're taking to many casualties!"

"Everybody calm down! Gather at your defensive positions and let them taste American steel! We will not let our ground fall without a fight! Make our country proud of what we accomplish today!" Edward was screaming over the comms in response to the unholy cluster of nonsense being said.

"Ed! More are advancing straight down the middle! Its Kuromorimine and Saunders!" Hans yelled.

"Gather on the middle front! Let loose everything we have!" Ed responded.

"Firing!" Rivers yelled.

A volley of Montana's tanks let loose. Twelve tanks from Kuromorimine and Saunders were taken out. However, a return fire arrived and took out just as many.

"Adam, focus the Abrams fire center right!" Edward ordered.

"Got it!" Adam responded.

"There's to many Ed! We don't stand a chance!" Rivers yelled.

"I understand that! Just keep fighting!" Ed yelled back.

An American Tiger 1 took aim and fired. The shell hit and disabled another panzer 2. This was Marks fourth kill. William was getting ever more exhausted from the constant loading of shells. Austin had constantly kept the Tiger 1 moving and rolling to avoid impact by return fire. Hans was very adamant of the situation. Half of their team was already knocked out and the rest were barely holding it together. An explosion to the side proved this as Joshua's M48 Patton was disabled.

"Austin, keep us moving. Sporadic movements keep them guessing where we'll be! William, I know those H.E. shells are heavy but push through it! Mark fire faster, we need to take down as many as possible!" Hans yelled.

"Right!" The three collectively responded.

Another impact close by caused rocking of the Tiger 1.

"Geez, these Federation chicks don't mess around!" Mark yelled.

"Yeah but none of them got any spunk on my driving!" Austin also yelled.

Girls Und Panzer Tankery's EndHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin