Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

A/N: this chapter is dedicated for my Mother, for always pushing me to do my best and the best man I can be – Thank you Mom.

The days that had followed the arrival in Hoja City two months ago were very lax. Discipline was still in effect but most of the high schoolers had been acting as if they were back in school. Talking, eating, playing games, or even doing their hobbies. That fact had not changed. A courtyard in the center of the Headquarters for the unified high school team was very spacious. In the headquarters was a combination of two buildings. A high school on one side and a city owned maintenance yard on the other. The tanks were being stored around various different buildings close by and they would be relatively easy to access in a hurry.

Miho took a glance around the courtyard and smiled at the way things were going. The volleyball team and the first years from her school were playing a game of soccer with Uncle Sam's soccer team which consisted of Adam, the Abrams commander, his crew, and a crew who used a Chaffee. Suffice to say they were losing. Some guys from Montana were playing basketball with guys from Virginia, most people were just talking, some guys were throwing around a football, the American kind, and the rest were eating. It was a very enjoyable setting. Especially for the Americans.

"Duke go long!" Mark yelled holding the football.

The guy ran forward for several yards and turned his head to see Mark throw the ball. It soared and when it descended Duke caught it easily.

"Yeah, that's a good throw." Mark said.

"Yeah, but a good quarterback is only as good as his receiver." William said.

"He's got you on that one Mark." Austin said.

Mark simply laughed. The Anglerfish team were hanging out with the American Tiger 1 team, sitting around in lawn chairs, drinking soda, and enjoying the day. William was currently in front of a grill cooking barbeque for the group. In fact, most groups around the yard were doing the same thing.

"So, this is what you guys do on your Independence Day? Play games, eat and just have fun?" Yukari asked.

"Yep, in celebration of our countries founding we party like no other. USA Baby, USA!" Mark chanted.

Yep. The day was July 4th, the day the Americans celebrated their independence from the British Empire. The thought of such a party was one of curiosity to most of the girls but from how loud the yard was it seemed everyone was enjoying it. Most people were even out of uniform, wearing shorts, shirts, summer dresses, the works. It was relaxing.

"And you normally have fireworks go off at the end, right?" Saori asked.

"Yeah but unfortunately we don't have any of those. Other wise we'd light the sky up." Austin answered.

"Yo, whats happening guys, got room for more?" a voice said.

Coming up to the group was Kay, Alisa, and Naomi. Like everyone wearing summer outfits.

"Yeah, pull up a chair. We got soda in the cooler to." Hans said.

"Let me tell ya, this idea was awesome. I don't think we've had this much fun since we got to the island." Kay said.

"I cant believe you guys do this every year." Alisa said.

"Yup. Greatest party on earth." Mark boasted.

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