Chapter 41

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Chapter 41

The dirt road, once a calm and collected bunch of dirt, now rumbled with the movement of several ton killing machines. Akari's force had moved right into the path that Edward had set for them. two-hundred yards away from the selected dirt road was the hidden force of High Schoolers. Quietly they sat, watching the line of Challengers and remaining Type-10's advance without any knowledge of the inevitable ambush.

Edward had hunkered down behind his tanks commanders hatch and watched fervently. His gaze was that of a predator stalking its prey, intent on jumping forward and taking the kill. For his lust of battle was aching to be sated, and nearly drove him to give a mighty cry of war. However Edward was more reserved then any old warmonger. He would wait for another minute until he knew his opponent was entering his trap.

A brief glance around him showed his friends all lined up and rearing to go just as much as he was. The whole of the American High Schoolers followed him without question, hesitation, and fear.

Akari. She was standing outside the commanders hatch of a Type-10. She glanced around the area scouring for any sign of life or any presence of opposition. She would find nothing. Now. Now was the time.

"Fire!" Edward yelled into his headset. The mass of one hundred and thirty guns roared to life and sprung the multitude of ordinance into the Federation Convoy. Not nearly as many went down as Edward would have wanted, but a good portion all the same. Next plan. "Forward!"

From the bushes and foliage to their East the Federation witnessed a hoard of the High Schoolers tanks emerging from their hiding place and charged directly at them. This time they would be ready for such a tactic. However The Americans were also ready for this same tactic and gave not a groan or grunt of displeasure.

The first tank to reach the Federation lines was the Tiger 1 from Uncle Sam, and right into the side of a Challenger 1 it went. Slamming into the body of the British made tank. The Challenger 1 was hit with enough force to tip it onto its sides, letting the white surrender flag out and signaling its inoperability.

The rest of the scourge launched themselves into the line of Federation tanks and showed similar results. However most of the impacts only pushed or turned the Federation vehicles into a better position for their own counter attack. Without a second to lose the Federation opened fire and immediately showed their new prowess. Taking lessons from old the Federation tanks jerked themselves and moved in rapid succession to each other and quickly formed a new battle line twenty yards away from the road.

Peters 38t moved itself forward, passed the dirt road and onto the grassy field behind it. The tank moved quickly on its own, roughly 26 miles an hour, but with some tips he learned from Rosehip, Chubbs managed to become a better driver with great maneuverability. Through the constant firing and crazy amount of smoke from the many number of shells being fired visibility was decreasing. Which led Chubbs to drive the 38t the wrong way and directly into sight of the Federation lines.

The shot came from a Challenger 2. However this was no ordinary tank shell. The impact was fierce. When the shell hit, the tank was launched as if it was ball. The 38t skidded to a halt and the three occupants just sat trying to catch their bearings before being able to speak.

"What the hell was that!?" Nikoli yelled. Peter had to answers. One, the shell hit a vital point of the tanks body. However that was low in statistics. The second, was that this was one of the High Impact Carbon shells they read about. A groan in pain lead the two to glance at their driver, who was struggling to move anything.

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