Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

The days had passed by uneventfully. The Federation hadn't launched another attack since the last one, however that would undoubtably change. The force of Type-10 main battle tanks could and would demolish the Association defensive line with ease. Though Colonel Abernathy was adamant on the subject he ultimately allowed that the high schoolers add some of their own ingenious to the defense. Within that time Davis and Darjeeling arrived with their entourage of Virginia, Saunders, and St. Gloriana tanks while the whole of Montana stayed back at Hoja City. This boosted the forces defending Glendale by a superb amount. Now all they need do was wait. Which was boring.

Peter sat outside in a small park that was near the high schoolers barracks. He was tired of waiting around and wanted to do something. He had plenty of ideas, but the one problem was he had no one to do anything with. His crew mates Nikoli and Chubbs were off galivanting with their Girls Klara and Saori. Peter didn't mind that they did so, in fact he was happy for them. it just left him without company. Normally he would then go to the guys from the Tiger, but they too were busy. Austin and Nonna have hardly left each other's side since they got together, Mark was currently calling some of the guys back in Hoja City, Hans was working, and William seemed distant for some reason. All of his friend group were preoccupied with, what Peter expected, were the girls that they had gotten close to.

Peter sighed and leaned his head back letting it slump across the back of his chair. His tea sitting on the patio table next to him as he watched others walk by or watched one of the tanks drive passed. He really needed some distraction.

"Hey Peter, whatcha doing?" Peter turned and saw Rosehip walking towards him. He still wondered why she decided to come as well. She was one of the ones captured by Akari recently so Peter thought she would have wanted to rest and regain her strength. However that was not the case. She insisted with Davis and Darjeeling to tag along which was notably honorable.

"Oh, I'm wallowing in boredom. Everyone else is busy with stuff so I got no one to hang out with." Peter said. Rosehip took the seat next to him.

"Yeah I know the feeling. Pekoe has been spending a lot of time with Timothy from Virginia, and Assam has been doing the same with Donovan. Even Darjeeling is spending every waking moment conversing with Mr. Davis. Plus all my other friends are either back at Hoja City or preoccupied with boys. Rukuriri being one of them." Rosehip grumbled. She wasn't really upset at her friends, but she felt left out. she thought that they were preferring the boys over spending time with her.

"Tell me about it. All the guys are either working or hanging out with the girls. I've got plenty of ideas for fun, but I've got no one to do them with." Peter said. Rosehip smirked.

"How strange. I've no ideas of my own. Why don't the two of us do something then?" She said.

"Like what?" Peter asked.

"You're the one with the ideas. Come on what did you have in mind, I'm dying of boredom." Rosehip whined. Peter chuckled.

"Well, I found a nice bad batch of rotten eggs and a bottle of ammonia. We could make a stink bomb and put it in some ones shoes." Peter said. Rosehips eyes gleamed with excitement.

"That sounds awesome. Lets do that. Who are we going to prank though?" Rosehip asked.

"We'll get to that after we make the bomb." Peter said. As he finished saying that Rosehip noticed a commotion going on across the park. A small crown was gathering around some people.

"Hey, lets check that out first. I want to see whats up." Rosehip said.

"Let me finish my tea." Peter said.

"they'll be done by then." Rosehip said as she grabbed Peters tea and downed the whole thing in one go. "There, your done. Lets go." She yelled excitedly. Peter could only shake his head and smirk as she stood and followed her. as the two joined the large gathering of people it was apparent most were high schoolers. Particularly from Edison. When they made their way to the front they saw a confusing sight. Johnathan, the Commander for Edison, was gripping the jacket of his Vice Commander Christian and flailing about. The two even noticed Hana, Yukari, and William were standing not far away.

"What do you mean about that huh?! What, are we supposed to just forgive what they've done?! I would have at least thought that you of all people would have some decent common-sense Christian!" Johnathan screamed. Christian wrangled his way out of Johnathan's grip and backed away.

"I do have common sense Johnathan. You holding this grudge is not going to solve anything. The Japanese high schools had nothing to do with what Ed and the others suffered." Christian tried to reason however it seemed as if all attempts would be futile.

"If they had never captured them in the first place then they wouldn't have gone through that!" Johnathan yelled.

"That was the rule of the game! We would have done the same thing, capture any and all opponents as possible to insure our win! The Federation were the ones who took it to far!" Christian yelled back.

"I don't care! Either you dump this broad now or you can consider yourself relieved of your position!" Johnathan yelled pointing towards Hana. Yes every Commander had the right to choose their own Vice Commander and also relieve that same Vice Commander from that position. However to relieve one it had to be under suitable circumstances. Not a petty power play.

"Wow hold on John, Christian earned that spot you cant just take it away from him because of this." One of the Edison boys tried to reason.

"No! I can relieve him! Its within my power as Commander!" Johnathan yelled. The Edison guys surrounding the fiasco looked as it they were starting to loose faith in Johnathan. How this ended right here would determine the unity of Edison's Tankery Team. "I will not let this seductive witch and her team brain wash our school into believing that we can get along! We never have and never will!"

All thought was lost once Miho came out from the surrounding group and stepped towards Johnathan in stride. Once she reached him, she lifted her hand and gave him a hard slap right across his face shocking everyone there.

"Who are you to determine the relation between one individual and another? Who are you to use your power as a Commander to strip one of your followers from his earned position just because of what he believes? We as Commanders of our schools Sensha Do or Tankery teams should learn and understand where our subordinates, where our friends values lie. If Hana wants to pursue a romantic relationship with your friend Christian, then I will be happy for her. the only reservation I have is if Christian is actually a good guy for her. I want to know that he wont hurt her, cheat on her, or let anything bad happen to her. That is what you should think of. Because at the end of the day if one cannot hold the trust and adoration of those under him then what use is he to them at all. That's how it is! That's how it always is!" Miho yelled. The entire park stood still in shock. Most of the Edison guys were shocked that she slapped Johnathan right in the face. Johnathan was not one to let things like this go, as is evident with the current argument, although his anger wasn't totally his fault. Growing up the way he did can do things to a person, but now Johnathan had no words. He only stared at the brown-haired girl. the same one who could probably knock any sense into anyone.

"Commander Johnathan! Federation attack on the wall! Colonel Abernathy needs us out there!" One of the Edison guys yelled as he ran passed the group. They all stood there waiting for Johnathan's word, however it never came. Johnathan just stood there in a dazed stoper.

"You heard the runner, get to your tanks! Defend the wall and get estimates on numbers! We need to fight them back and draw up a battle plan!" Christian ordered. Immediately every single Edison boy moved. They ran in the direction of their tank storage with vigor. Christian turned to Hana and gave her a swift but firm kiss before he ran after his teammates. All Johnathan did was slump onto his backside staring at his hands.

"Come on! Ed will need our help." Miho told her friends as she headed towards the barracks. The others followed her. however this was to go down, something about Johnathan would change. That was for sure.

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