Alt Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Montana and Saunders had intercepted each other more times then either Rivers or Kay could count. Once every other day was the norm, then it became once a day, then twice a day. again and again the two schools ran into each other, and horrible constant battle ensued. It became so bad that the two schools kept trying to flank each other, running up the line again and again until they reached the northern most end of the island. A small fishing town of no importance by the name of Houston, Rivers immediately thought about that up-and-coming hotshot from that no name school in Texas, was the center point for the heavier battles that happened between the two schools.

Behind them, where they had fought before, both the Federation and Association teams sent forces to hold or delay each other causing a long line of defenses and sandbag positions to be set up. Near six hundred and ten Yards, or roughly five hundred and sixty meters, lay in between the two sides as they take shots at each other endlessly.

Maho jerked as a shell hit the front of her Tiger 1. She glared at the American Hellcat and ordered her tank to fire. The whole of Kuromorimine was meant to group up with Pravda and push up the mountain and take the CP to claim a foothold to aid the pushing attacks in Hoja City, only for the remaining half of Uncle Sam to ambush them on the northern base of the mountain range.

At first there was no problem, but after some time fighting Maho decided to charge her opponent. She ordered her tanks to charge into the line of fire all while bombarding the Americans giving them harsh casualties, even though she took many in return.

Uncle Sam eventually left their safe positions and charged at Kuromorimine in return. Ahead full they charged and right into the barrels of the enemy.

Edward and Maho spotted each other and furthered their speed with intent on taking each other out, and they did. Their tanks fired and hit each other while knocking out both Edwards M18 Hellcat and Mahos Tiger 1. The two tanks kept moving forward until they stopped when they connected.

Maho and Edward glared at each other without a word being spoken between them until Maho broke the silence.

"Watch yourself Commander Edward, You won't get in our way next time." Maho said all while Edward just glared.

Austin fell onto his back sporting a black eye from the completely unforeseen punch he took. In all honesty he didn't expect this fight to happen at all. He sat up and glared at the perpetrator, the very same Pravda girl who he wrestled with some months ago.

Nonna had been adamant in her pursuit for the young American who left her in the middle of that destructive melee. She couldn't help but feel that he could have done something else to help her then just leave her, but he didn't, and Nonna hadn't ever been so mad.

Nonna pushed the boy back on the ground and straddled him aiming her fist for his face and hitting him, hard. The American yelled in pain and before Nonna could throw a second punch, the American grabbed her jacket collar, pulled her to him and then socked one of his own fists into her face sending her off him and sprawling into the snow.

Austin stood up and checked his eye all while keeping his second one on the girl. She stood up and felt her cheek wincing at the pain. After a minute she stood as well and all she did was glare, so he did the same. The two glared at each other mercilessly, hers a cold snowy blizzard and his a hot fiery fury.

"Bastard!" Nonna called him.

"Whore!" Austin responded.

Darjeeling snapped her eyes to and from different positions on the map. She didn't know where Davis would strike next, and she needed to be ready. Already she had surrounded herself with her team repelling Davis and his team with their constant need for revenge.

Darjeeling breathed heavily, her hair unkept and disheveled, her eyes red from lack of sleep, her demeanor changed in every worse way. Jumping at the smallest of noises, second guessing everything her friends suggested, and having not drank a cup of tea in weeks.

Pekoe, Rosehip, and Rukuriri sighed as they watched her again. She had not removed herself from so much as ten meters from the Churchill's side. 'It's what keeps her safe' she would say.

"These three dozen places need to be patrolled and secured, Davis will try to sneak passed us, but we'll be ready, I'm not letting him get me, no way, it wasn't our fault they were out of their tanks, accident happen anyway, why doesn't he understand that? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why?" Darjeeling would talk to herself endlessly.

The fighting only intensified with the arrival of the Federation and Association forces reinforcing positions thought to be abandoned or loosely defended. All along the middle of the Island, from the northern most fishing town of Houston all the way down to the southern port of Hoja City, a long line of defensive positions, trenches, sandbags led to fighting being had every hour of every day.

Except at one small town in the middle of the Island where the word has it a calm peace reigns.


A/N: Started a new job so apologies if updates are slow.

Girls Und Panzer Tankery's EndOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora