Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

The Panzer IV turned a corner of a building and halted. Hana took aim and fired at a visible E-75 heavy tank disabling it. Mako put the tank into reverse and backed the tank behind the building before a volley of shells could collide. Miho gazed at her map of the Hoja City. It was only two weeks since the Match started, and Hoja City had been in constant warfare ever since. Both sides sent in their best to capture and hold the city from the very start. It was the most capable to hold every tank either side brought and was a central area to getting around the impassable hill ravine north of the city.

Originally Saunders and Count were the ones to try and take the city. But Count took major damage almost out of the bat. The Montana Tankery academy unit of the Association Team had been the sole team from the Association to attempt the capture of the City. It was not what Miho would have done but the Association team had fewer tanks then the Federation team from the start. The Federation team already held two other CPs while the Association also held two. The last two were in the mountains and along the north plains. Neither side had found access to the mountains CP yet and the Plains CP was currently being fought over as well.

The Panzer IV came around the other side of the building and shot another E-75 disabling this one as well. Mako drove the tank forward and making it across the street out of view and clear of any shots from the rear.

"Kay, move around the skyscraper and flank the right side. But be warned they saw us and opened fire. They might expect another strike from there." Miho relayed over comms.

"Got it Miho." Came a response.

"this battle has been going on since the start of the match. Are we sure we can take it Miporin?" Saori asked.

"Yes. With the numbers against them Rivers will either be forced to flee or surrender." Miho stated.

"Knowing him he would rather push himself to defeat. He wont willingly surrender." Yukari said.

"Can't blame him. Were attempting to take away a sport he really enjoys. Montana Tankery Academy won the American High school championship six times in the last ten years." Hana said.

"Losing only to Betsy Ross Girls Academy and Uncle Sam High School." Mako said.

The Panzer IV Came around and found their school mates. Mallard team, Rabbit team, and Anteater team waited for Anglerfish team to arrive before going on their assault.

"Mallard team you follow us. Rabbit team and Anteater team go around the way we just came from and flank Montana from behind. Be warned they spotted us back there and Kay is sending her attack from the opposite side." Miho said.

"Copy." A collective response came over radio.

"Mako, brings us around to point Q14. Yukari, load skirt piercing shells. Hana, if we see the C1 Ariete take out the skirt protecting the track. Mallard team, once we do that take out the tracks and we'll move on." Miho ordered.

"Roger" Another collective response.

The Panzer IV and the B1 bis move around the left flank of the Montana group. Once they see the collective force trying to desperately hold their piece the plaza grounds they come to a halt. Yukari finished loading the shell and Hana spotted the C1 Ariete. With a pull if the trigger the shell left the Panzer IV's turret and smashed into the skirt. With their chance the Mallard team fired as well hitting the tracks and disabling the tank, though it was still operable, it would not move.

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