Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

The sun rose over the eastern tree line birthing the earth with light and life. Activity in the Joint High School camp was bustling. Each tank crew was tasked with the tearing down and packing up of their own camp gear. The storage space of one of the tanks varied based on size. However so did maximum occupancy. The camp was stripped of all sign of human interference and with the gear secured the four schools split into their respective squads. The mountain squad and the valley squad.

Kay and Rivers eased their column along the mountainside. It was more of a wide goat trail. The rocky terrain was stable enough for a tank as strong and heavy as the E-75, but the weight of the heavy tank made things a bit bumpy. The Sherman's had a much easier time crossing the path, with their weight several tons less and the width of the tank smaller to it was much more manageable. The only thing not manageable was the arguing.

"Can you move that fat tub of metal any faster!" A Saunders girl named Hina yelled. Her Sherman was tailgating an E-75 commanded by a Montana boy by the name Terrance.

"Oh, I beg your pardon ma'am, but my fat tub of metal is currently working up the courage to jump off this mountain just to get away from your excessive nagging!" Terrance yelled back.

Yep, Kay and Rivers had opted to take all the boys from Montana and all the girls from Saunders who had beef with each other. It was going to be very excruciating listening to all the arguing and slander but with the plan in mind it would all be worth it.

"Show some decorum. We're ladies after all, you should be the man and keep your mouth shut." Hina's Gunner Fuka said.

"Bite me!" Terrance yelled.

Rivers sighed and dragged his hand across his face. he was already regretting his decision to bring these insufferable children.

Oh the price I pay for these brats." He muttered to himself. However Kay over heard him.

"It's a steep one for the mantle of Commander right." She said.

"I just wish they'd stop arguing while we're trying to work our way across a dangerous mountain side." Rivers said.

"I say let them argue. Its no more then those girls deserve." Ark said from within the tank.

"Thank you Ark for your input." Rivers said.

The mountain wasn't even a long one. The pass was about a mile and a half, or almost two and half kilometers long. The road was very stable so there was no risk of falling, but the way down was likely to echo the noise of the engines, so the Commanders opted for a slower advance through the pass.

After another half hour the column made it through and with some good fortune. From a small ridge from where the tanks were parked there was a fantastic view. A view that happened to show off a good position of Federation tanks. The numbers were shrouded by the trees and the make would be obvious as the Federation had yet to change from the English origin Challenger models. However the Cannon had yet to be sighted.

"Rivers this is Davis, do you copy?" Davis called over Radio.

"Yeah I copy D. where you at? I got a good view of Federation forces from our position." Rivers said.

"We're over by a long stretch of open tree lines. There's a creek to the right side of the north eastern face of the mountain. Can you see it?" Davis asked.

Rivers took out his binoculars and scanned the eastern area heading south. He saw the opening of the tree line where Davis and his team were heading towards. However no Cannon in sight. He noticed a gap in the trees and followed it down away till he made out a creek of water running southwards.

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